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by Frank Sommers, May 3, 2007 3 messages
In the concluding part of this two-part interview with Artima, Adobe Flex evangelist James Ward describes the Flex programming model, the MXML user interface language, and the Flex developer's toolset.
by Frank Sommers, April 26, 2007 9 messages
Adobe announced this week that it would release the next version of its Flex SDK, Flex 3, under the open-source Mozilla license. The language used to create Flex applications is ActionScript 3, an object-oriented, functional programming language. ActionScript 3 is also Adobe's implementation of ECMAScript 4, the upcoming version of JavaScript. In the first segment of a two-part interview with Artima, Adobe Flex evangelist James Ward introduces the key ActionScript 3 language features from the vantage point of developers coming to ActionScript from Java.
by Frank Sommers, April 3, 2007 2 messages
Most developers think of the Java compiler, javac, as an unobtrusive command-line tool to invoke when you want to turn Java source code into class files. The Java Compiler API, JSR 199, released in final form last December, opens up the Java compiler to programmatic interaction as well. Artima spoke with JSR 199 spec lead and Sun engineer Peter von der Ahé about what programmatic compiler access means for developers.
by Bill Venners with Frank Sommers, March 1, 2007 7 messages
Continuations refer to a functional programming technique that allows you to save the current execution state of a thread, with the possiblity of suspending and later resuming execution. Continuations have been incorporated into several Web application frameworks, including RIFE and WebWork. In this interview with Artima, RIFE project founder Geert Bevin discusses how continuations can simplify complex workflows, and how they are implemented in RIFE.
by Paul S. R. Chisholm, February 26, 2007 12 messages
"Pure virtual function called" is the dying message of the occasional crashed C++ program. What does it mean? You can find a couple of simple, well-documented explanations out there that apply to problems easy to diagnose during postmortem debugging. There is also another rather subtle bug that generates the same message. If you have a mysterious crash associated with that message, it might well mean your program went indirect on a dangling pointer. This article covers all these explanations.
by Frank Sommers, February 26, 2007 3 messages
Among the most significant new JDK 6 features are improvements to Swing and related client-side Java APIs. In this interview with Artima, Sun Java Client Group architect Chet Haase discusses how performance gains, new APIs, and closer integration with the native desktop help developers write more appealing and better performing Swing applications.
by Bill Venners, December 28, 2006 11 messages
In this interview, Elliotte Rusty Harold discusses the true meaning of PUT and DELETE.
by Frank Sommers, December 21, 2006 8 messages
A key feature of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is that it allows developers to write browser-hosted Web applications entirely in Java, and have GWT translate that Java code into browser-specific JavaScript. In this interview with Artima, Scott Blum, the Google software engineer behind GWT's Java-to-JavaScript compiler, talks about the challenges of turning Java source code into JavaScript.
by Bill Venners, December 20, 2006 19 messages
In this interview, Neal Gafter talks with Bill Venners about the proposal for adding closures to the Java programming language.
by Bill Venners, December 19, 2006 Submit comment
This article contains a collection of short audio recordings made at JavaPolis on Friday, December 15, 2006. Each recording captures one person's notion of an idea that is important for developers to think about.
by Bill Venners, December 18, 2006 Submit comment
This article contains a collection of short audio recordings made at JavaPolis on Thursday, December 14, 2006. Each recording captures one person's notion of an idea that is important for developers to think about.
by Bill Venners, December 14, 2006 Submit comment
This article contains a collection of short, punchy audio recordings made at JavaPolis on Wednesday, December 13, 2006. Each recording captures one person's notion of an idea that is important for developers to think about.
by Frank Sommers, December 11, 2006 15 messages
Java SE 6 is no longer only about the Java language: SE 6 can be used to execute dynamic scripting language code as well. According to Danny Coward, Sun's Java SE platform lead, scripting language support is merely the first step in turning the JVM into the best possible execution platform for any dynamic language. Artima spoke with Coward about his new JSR 292, Supporting Dynamically Typed Languages on the Java Platform.
by Frank Sommers, December 4, 2006 5 messages
Terracotta's decision to open-source its clustering technology was in part driven by a new-found love between it and major open-source enterprise application tools and frameworks, such as Tomcat and Spring. Artima spoke with Spring project founder Rod Johnson and Terracotta co-founder Ari Zilka about using Terracotta to cluster Spring applications.
by Frank Sommers, October 25, 2006 14 messages
The new Swing Application Framework JSR (JSR 296) aims to do for client-side Java applications what many successful Web frameworks have done for server-side code: Abstract out common application patterns with the goal of making development easier and less error-prone. In this interview with Artima, JSR 296 spec lead Hans Muller discusses patterns and issues common to Swing-based desktop applications, and describes how the new framework addresses those issues.

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