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Security Constraints - Bob Scheifler, lead architect of the Davis project at, discusses the the Jini security mechanisms used to describe security constraints for remote calls through downloaded proxies.

Use messengers to transmit information - A messenger is an object that allows you to package and send data. Often data is passed to a messenger's constructor, and the messenger is sent along its way. Recipients of the messenger access the data via accessor methods, which in Java usually take the form get. Messengers are usually short-lived objects. Once a recipient retrieves the information contained in a messenger, it usually kills the messenger (even if the news is good), says this guideline from Bill Venners' new book, API Design.

Today's Featured Resource
Java's Platform Independence - chapter 2 of Inside the Java Virtual Machine, which is reprinted in its entirety at, shows how Java's architecture enables the platform independence of Java programs

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Jini Security 1 message in this topic
Posted by Bill Venners on July 11, 2002
"The basic notions of network security, authentication, confidentially, and integrity are not new with Jini. These are standard network security concepts. And Jini, since it uses the network, ought to have some way of supporting those standard concepts," says this article:
Whatever Happened to Jini? 1 message in this topic
Posted by Bill Venners on July 9, 2002
"The latest Jini white papers cast Jini as 'an infrastructure for networking at the edge.' They claim that the edge of the network is changing from desktop clients that mostly read data to small wireless mobile devices that serve data into the center of the network. This claim is probably true, but I can't help but feel as though Jini, however well designed, is not the answer. The growing presence of J2ME and HTTP on small mobile devices coupled with the steadily increasing popularity of Web services lead me to believe that Jini will become irrelevant," says this JavaPro article:
Sun's Jini developers seek respect 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Bill Venners on June 27, 2002
"Web services have their place, but the real focus for distributed application builders should be on Jini, according to supporters of the obscure Sun technology," says this NetworkWorldFusion article:
Apple and Java: Tasty or Terrible? 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Bill Venners on June 25, 2002
"According to Apple, since Mac OS X's March 2001 launch, the Apple developer community has more than doubled, and more than 46 percent of Apple Developer Connection members are working in Unix or Java," says this SD Times article:
From Jini Network Technology to the Semantic Web 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Jakob Eg Larsen on June 16, 2002
Max Goff, Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems, is interviewed about Jini Network Technology, JavaSpaces, and Distributed Computing. He claims that "The work we do in distributed computing is at the heart and soul of every technological advance that we could potentially make in the next N number of years." The interview is available at:
Using Jini to Build a Catastrophe-Resistant System 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Bill Venners on June 14, 2002
"The events of September 11 were a wake-up call to software developers the world over. Of the many large firms that held critical data or even entire data centers in the World Trade Center towers, few had timely offsite backups in place. One firm even did its offsite backup from Tower 1 into Tower 2, reasoning -- like the people who decided to only insure one tower -- that the chance of both towers vanishing was slim in the extreme. Who would have guessed such a thing could ever happen?

Once the shock of the event had passed, the implications for the work we at Pronoic Ltd. had been doing became evident. As I will go on to discuss, we had been very focussed on using Jini to build ultra-high avaliability applications for the insurance industry. Well, Sept. 11 killed the insurance sector, but brought the advantages of self-healing, distributed applications into clear focus," says this OnJava article:
Project Ace 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Jakob Eg Larsen on June 14, 2002
How many lines of code does a programmer need to write to implement an application? What is the "distance" between "intent" of an application and the written code that implements that "intent". These are questions asked in Research Project Ace from Sun Microsystems Laboratories.
Macromedia Uses Jini for Clustering in JRun 4 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Bill Venners on June 13, 2002
"Jim Waldo, a Sun distinguished engineer, in Santa Clara, Calif., said that by using Jini, Macromedia has been successful in creating a peer-based system for services such as EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) to discover and interact with one another," says this EWeek article:,3658,s=701&a=26889,00.asp
.NET versus Java 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Bill Venners on June 5, 2002
"Mixed environments of mainframes, Unix, Windows and proprietary systems will drive most enterprises to use both J2EE and .Net, particularly if they've been involved in mergers and acquisitions," says this ComputerWorld article:,10801,71221, 00.html
Autonomic Computing 0 messages in this topic
Posted by Jakob Eg Larsen on May 17, 2002
"Programs crash, people make mistakes, networks grow and change. That's life, and computer scientists are finally building systems that can deal with it. [...] The growing complexity of the I.T. infrastructure threatens to undermine the very benefits information technology aims to provide [...] "Up until now, we've relied mainly on human intervention and administration to manage this complexity" [...] There is less agreement on the solution. IBM argues in its treatise that the goal should be "autonomic" computer systems analogous to the involuntary nervous system that allows the human body to cope with environmental change, external attack and internal failures."

New at
Jini Security
Bob Scheifler discusses Jini Security
A Conversation with James Gosling
Java's creator speaks on the art of computer programming
Interview with Jim Waldo
Reprint of a 2001 interview with chief Jini architect Jim Waldo
ServiceUI API V1.1beta3
New beta release of the ServiceUI API is available under SCSL
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