

package verb

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BehaveWord extends AnyRef

    Class that supports shared test registration via instances referenced from the behave field of FunSpecs, FlatSpecs, and WordSpecs as well as instance of their sister traits, fixture.FunSpec, fixture.FlatSpec, and fixture.WordSpec.

  2. trait CanVerb extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit conversion that adds can methods to String to support the syntax of FlatSpec, WordSpec, org.scalatest.fixture.FlatSpec, and fixture.WordSpec.

  3. trait MustVerb extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit conversion that adds must methods to String to support the syntax of FlatSpec, WordSpec, fixture.FlatSpec, and fixture.WordSpec.

  4. class ResultOfAfterWordApplication extends AnyRef

    Class that supports the use of after words in WordSpec and fixture.WordSpec.

  5. class ResultOfStringPassedToVerb extends AnyRef

    Abstract class that supports test registration in FlatSpec and fixture.FlatSpec.

  6. class ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation extends AnyRef

    Supports the registration of tagged tests in shorthand form in FlatSpec and fixture.FlatSpec.

  7. trait ShouldVerb extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit conversion that adds should methods to String to support the syntax of FlatSpec, WordSpec, fixture.FlatSpec, and fixture.WordSpec.

  8. class StringVerbBlockRegistration extends (String, String, () ⇒ Unit) ⇒ Unit

    Class that provides a role-specific type for an implicit conversion used to support the registration of subject descriptions in WordSpec and fixture.WordSpec.