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Chapter 4 of Inside the Java Virtual Machine
Network Mobility
by Bill Venners

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Java's Architectural Support for Network-Mobility

Java's architectural support for network-mobility begins with its support for platform independence and security. Although they are not strictly required for network-mobility, platform independence and security help make network-mobility practical. Platform independence makes it easier to deliver a program across the network because you don't have to maintain a separate version of the program for different platforms, and you don't have to figure out how to get the right version to each computer. One version of a program can serve all computers. Java's security features help promote network-mobility because they give end-users confidence to download class files from untrusted sources. In practice, therefore, Java's architectural support for platform independence and security facilitate the network-mobility of its class files.

Beyond platform independence and security, Java's architectural support for network-mobility is focused on managing the time it takes to move software across a network. If you store a program on a server and download it across a network when you need it, it will likely take longer for your program to start than if you had started the same program from a local disk. Thus, one of the primary issues of network- mobile software is the time it takes to send a program across a network. Java's architecture addresses this issue by rejecting the traditional monolithic binary executable in favor of small binary pieces: Java class files. Class files can travel across networks independently, and because Java programs are dynamically linked and dynamically extensible, an end-user needn't wait until all of a program's class files are downloaded before the program starts. The program starts when the first class file arrives. Class files themselves are designed to be compact, so that they fly more quickly across networks. Therefore, the main way Java's architecture facilitates network-mobility directly is by breaking up the monolithic binary executable into compact class files, which can be loaded as needed.

The execution of a Java application begins at a main() method of some class, and other classes are loaded and dynamically linked as they are needed by the application. If a class is never actually used during one session, that class won't ever be loaded during that session. For example, if you are using a word processor that has a spelling checker, but during one session you never invoke the spelling checker, the class files for the spelling checker will not be loaded during that session.

In addition to dynamic linking, Java's architecture also enables dynamic extension. Dynamic extension is another way the loading of class files (and the downloading of them across a network) can be delayed in a Java application. Using user-defined class loaders or the forname() method of class Class, a Java program can load extra classes at run-time, which then become a part of the running program. Therefore, dynamic linking and dynamic extension give a Java programmer some flexibility in designing when class files for a program are loaded, and as a result, how much time an end-user must spend waiting for class files to come across the network.

Besides dynamic linking and dynamic extension, another way Java's architecture directly supports network mobility is through the class file format itself. To reduce the time it takes to send them across networks, class files are designed to be compact. In particular, the bytecode streams they contain are designed to be compact. They are called "bytecodes" because each instruction occupies only one byte. With only two exceptions, all opcodes and their ensuing operands are byte aligned to make the bytecode streams smaller. The two exceptions are opcodes that may have one to three bytes of padding after the opcode and before the start of the operands, so that the operands are aligned on word boundaries.

One of the implications of the compactness goal for class files is that Java compilers are not likely to do much local optimization. Because of binary compatibility rules, Java compilers can't perform global optimizations such as inlining the invocation of another class's method. (Inlining means replacing the method invocation with the code performed by the method, which saves the time it takes to invoke and return from the method as the code executes.) Binary compatibility requires that a method's implementation can be changed without breaking compatibility with pre-existing class files that depend on the method. Inlining could be performed in some circumstances on methods within a single class, but in general that kind of optimization is not done by Java compilers, partly because it goes against the grain of class file compactness. Optimizations are often a tradeoff between execution speed and code size. Therefore, Java compilers generally leave optimization up to the Java virtual machine, which can optimize code as it loads classes for interpreting, just-in-time compiling, or adaptive optimization.

Beyond the architectural features of dynamic linking, dynamic extension and class file compactness, there are some strategies that, although they are really not necessarily part of the architecture, help manage the time it takes to move class files across a network. Because HTTP protocols require that each class file of Java applet be requested individually, it turns out that often a large percentage of applet download time is due not to the actual transmission of class files across the network, but to the network handshaking of each class file request. The overhead for a file request is multiplied by the number of class files being requested. To address this problem, Java 1.1 included support for JAR (Java ARchive) files. JAR files enable many class files to be sent in one network transaction, which greatly reduces the overhead time required to move class files across a network compared with sending one class file at a time. Moreover, the data inside a JAR file can be compressed, which results in an even shorter download time. So sometimes it pays to send software across a network in one big chunk. If a set of class files is definitely needed by a program before that program can start, those class files can be more speedily transmitted if they are sent together in a JAR file.

One other strategy to minimize an end-user's wait time is to not download class files on-demand. Through various techniques, such as the subscription model used by Marimba Castanet, class files can be downloaded before they are needed, resulting in a program that starts up faster. You can obtain more information about such approaches from the resource page for this chapter.

Therefore, other than platform independence and security, which help make network-mobility practical, the main focus of Java's architectural support for network-mobility is managing the time it takes to send class files across a network. Dynamic linking and dynamic extension allow Java programs to be designed in small functional units that are downloaded as needed by the end-user. Class file compactness helps reduce the time it takes to move a Java program across the network. The JAR file enables compression and the sending of multiple class files across the network in a single network file-transfer transaction.

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