Package com.artima.lookup.util

Provides implementations of the java.util.Set and java.util.Map interfaces that have consistent serialized forms across all Java virtual machines.


Class Summary
ConsistentMap An implementation of the java.util.Map interface that has a serialized form consistent in all virtual machines.
ConsistentSet An implementation of the java.util.Set interface that has a serialized form consistent in all virtual machines.

Package com.artima.lookup.util Description

Provides implementations of the java.util.Set and java.util.Map interfaces that have consistent serialized forms across all Java virtual machines. Some net.jini.core.entry.Entrys may contain fields of type java.util.Set or java.util.Map, or fields from which java.util.Sets or java.util.Maps are reachable. The classes in this package enable such entries to maintain an identical serialized form no matter how many times or in how many virtual machines they are deserialized and then reserialized.

Commonly used implementations of java.util.Set and java.util.Map, such as java.util.HashSet and java.util.HashMap, do not guarantee a consistent serialized form in all Java virtual machines. As a result, element objects contained in a deserialized java.util.HashSet, for example, may appear in a different order when reserialized. Because the Jini lookup service and JavaSpaces compare serialized forms to determine exact matches, a java.util.HashMap field may not match itself when retreived via a lookup, then reserialized as part of a template. The classes in this package guarantee a consistent serialized form in all Java virtual machines. If a com.artima.util.ConsistentSet is deserialized then reserialized, the reserialized form is guaranteed to be identical to the original form.