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Legacy Java Answers Forum
April 2001



This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.


Updates on the screens

Posted by Saeed on May 30, 2001 at 10:43 PM


I am writing a small application to export screens from one computer to another. I have my code working fine with a low performance. I am capturing screen from one machine and sending it to another via Java socket. And this process is done at a reguler interval of time. Since I am sending the full screen to the other machine, the size of the data being transffered through the network is always quite big which is causing delay on the receiving machine. I am looking for some way of comparing the new captured screen with the one, sent last time and trying to find if there is a difference. If I successfully acomplish this task, I would like to get the coordinates of updated portion of the screen, capturing just updated portion and sending it to the receiving machine. This way I would be able to reduce the network traffic and could get the updates rather quickly on the receiving machine. I would appreciate if anyone of you could share his approach and/or code with me to do achieve this goal.


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