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Yes, only one thread at a time



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Yes, only one thread at a time

Posted by Bill Venners on 12 Aug 1998, 2:43 PM

> I am not sure, but I am guessing that the following example will only allow one thread in ONE OF THE SECTIONS at one given time. Since the example uses the same lock object to all the sections. Do I understand currectly?


> void someUnsynchMethod() {

> synchronized(this) {
> do some critical section stuff;
> }

> do something piddly that isn't a critical section;

> synchronized(this) {
> do some more critical section stuff;
> }

> do something else piddly that isn't a critical section;

> synchronized(this) {
> do some more critical section stuff;
> }

> do something else piddly that isn't a critical section;

> synchronized(this) {
> do some more critical section stuff;
> }
> }

Yes, only one thread at a time will be allowed in any one
of these critical sections, because they all lock the same



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