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The Seventh Jini Community Meeting (Final)
by B. Scott Andersen
March 26, 2004
This is my last blog from the Seventh Jini Community Meeting held in Cambridge, Massachusetts March 23-25, 2004.


The Seventh Jini Community Meeting (Final)

This is my last blog from the Seventh Jini Community Meeting held in Cambridge, Massachusetts March 23-25, 2004.

caveat: I should remind everybody that these are my observations and thoughts and not necessarily of those of my employer, any other member of the Jini community, or indeed anyone else on the planet. I'm a member of the Jini development team so these next few blogs will be "a little closer to home" than the essays I've done for Artima previously. Well, consider yourself warned! <grin>

Wrapping Up

Jim Hurley's opening on the last day began with the notion Finishing Strong and so we did. During the previous two days, sessions had some small break between them but not so on the last day. We crammed all we could in those few hours before the close.

It also appeared that participants took the sleep is optional idea seriously. By the end of the conference people were visibly fatigued--but happy.

Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball

Did I mention that this event was really fun? I got a chance to just sit with Ken Arnold for a while playing with his mood ring application. We sat there with our PowerBooks and the spontaneous network created by Rendezvous and were able to start a small Jini Djinn. We sat there and just played with his hack for a while. That was a blast.

I also ran into a fellow I had worked with 20 years ago. His company is now looking to get started with Jini to solve some hard problems they've got in their next generation of systems. I won't name drop here, but perhaps he'll be back at the next Community Meeting speaking on their successes.

The meeting's attendance of about 100 developers was the right number. It was intimate yet there were enough people there you probably didn't know that you could have the opportunity to meet somebody new and learn some new stuff.

Here are the last few observations:

So ends the Seventh Jini Community Meeting. It was my first meeting (for some reason I'd been busy or traveling for the others). I hope to see everyone again at the next one!

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About the Blogger

B. Scott Andersen has 20+ years of experience in software development splitting his time between individual contributor and management. He is now a Principal Software Engineer with Verocel, Inc., a company specializing in helping safety-critical system developers attain certification for their products. The opinions expressed here are his own and he takes full responsibility for them... unless, of course, they are worth money, at which point they belong to his employer.

This weblog entry is Copyright © 2004 B. Scott Andersen. All rights reserved.

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