Brian Ford
Posts: 153
Nickname: brixen
Registered: Dec, 2005
Re: The departure of the hyper-enthusiasts
Posted: Dec 19, 2005 4:38 PM
> Where did the hyper-enthusiasts go? To Ruby, apparently.
Why is it that the word most associated with Ruby and Rails outside of those communities is 'hype', and now 'hyper-'?
Communication is often fraught with misunderstanding, and perhaps I am guilty of misunderstanding, but that opening sentence sounds disparaging, and seems to suggest that Ruby is not legitimate, or does not have substance. While that initial impression may be tempered by things said later, the post nonetheless has a general air discounting Ruby and Rails.
Arguing for one language being superior without carefully laying the grounds for the comparisons is pointless. That said, I have used Python enough to know that I like it better than C, C++, or Java, which I have used enough to accomplish something nontrivial.
I learned Ruby much later and now I find that language feels best for me. But, your mileage may vary. I mentioned to my Python mentor, "the reason I like Ruby is doing something like this: yield if block_given? unless flag == 'never yield!'". He responded, 'because it's backwards?' Not unless 'go to sleep if you are tired' is backwards, I replied. I find constructions like these to be extremely helpful; he disagrees. But, at the same time, he hardly calls me a hyper-enthusiast.
I also find blocks extremely useful. They are not a simple idea. And their inclusion in Ruby _is_ a compelling reason to use Ruby. Perhaps you should try them. And then present in Python why you don't need them, which might actually render them a non-compelling reason to use Ruby, aside from your simple assertion. Some people think they are a good idea in Python (e.g.
Please provide examples of 'Perlisms' that you find to be flaws in Ruby. Include as well examples of their usage in such technically sound projects as Rails. (Hint, there is a 'Perlism' in this response; can you spot it? Is it a 'flaw'?)
And for anyone who wants to answer in depth how Python and Ruby differ, why not port Rails to Python? Then we can really compare apples and apples and perhaps gain insight into the languages deeper than the common but vacuous sentiment, 'I can do the same things in either language.'
Before making rather empty assertions about why Ruby is a hyper-fad, you may consider actually coding a nontrivial project in Ruby and then describe, with code fragments, what you dislike about Ruby and how Python, again with code fragments, is technically better, along with the basis for the comparison, of course.
I actually own two of your books, and found them to be very helpful. Sadly, after this hyper-defensive and ill-thought post, "I had better double-check" what I learned elsewhere. Perhaps in the 'Programming Ruby' book. ;)