Re: The departure of the hyper-enthusiasts
Posted: Dec 20, 2005 9:56 AM
"On the other hand, I'll bet that list was one of the first library classes that Matz wrote. You can find plenty of methods and classes in Java 1.0 that appear to be amateurish additions, as well."
Looks to me like the jist of the disconnect lies in Bruce's use of the word amateurish. We're now staring at a chasm that is gaping wide between the professional developers and the amateur developers.
It is a huge, unbridgeable chasm. Bruce seems proud to count himself among the professional crowd. We, the Rubyists, are proud to be partaking in the amateurish camp. Will the twain never meet?
What's the difference between a professional and an amateur? A professional is someone who professes certain way of doing things (usually, it's a prescribed way of doing something). What that means is that there usually is one, and only one proper way of doing something. This ensures consistency and predictability, so that everyone can sleep soundly at night.
An amateur, on the other hand, is someone who loves what they are doing. And once you love the thing you are doing, naturally there will be countless ways to do it. Making love would not be attractive at all if there was one, and only one proper way of doing it.
So we see that the bureaucratic approach to software development despises amateurism, because bureaucrats are extremely uncomfortable with the notion that there could be more than one way of doing something. Java was embraced by the huge bureaucracies precisely because it was anti-amateurish. Java is all about prescribed ways of doing things, and that is the pure essence of bureaucratic mindset.
Now, my thesis is that it is impossible to love bureaucracy. Yes, we can resign to it, view it as a necessary evil, but I've never met a person who is really, truly in love with bureaucracy. They may be in love with something bureaucracy may propose to bring to the fore, like control, power, security. But the actual bureaucratic mechanism that enables the control, the power, is impossible to love.
That's why I'm truly sceptical whenever someone tells me that they love Java. I suspect that it is the control, the power and the security that Java proposes to bring into their lives that they fall for. But the rigid, one-and-only-one way of doing things properly, that is the essence of Java, C#, and all the other corporate sweetheart languages, offer nothing to be in love with.
Anyone who is capable of overcoming the fear of losing control, losing security, and who then tries the amateurish things, such as Ruby, invariably falls in love with it. I'm not talking hot air here -- witness the huge crowds of Ruby converts (just peruse this thread to see some heart warming confessions of the former bureaucrats who discovered Ruby). All these people have only emotion-drenched words of amazement for Ruby.
This is not an accident -- people really and truly want to be able to enjoy what they do eight hours a day.