
Interface Summary
ActivationClient Interface implemented by an object that is notified when a link activation completes, either with success, failure, or as a result of being aborted.
DynamicLinkMap Represents a dynamic map of links to resources on the network.
KeywordInfo A bundle of information that provides keywords that search engines spiders can optionally use when adding this resource to their database.
Link Represents a link to a service on the network.
LinkActivation Interface implemented by the object returned by the activate method of a Link that represents a progressing activation.
LinkMap Represents a map of links to resources on the network.
LinkMapListener The listener interface for receiving LinkMapEvents from a DynamicLinkMap.
ModifiableLinkMap Represents a modifiable map of links to resources on the network.
Place A collection of Links to resources on the network.
ProgressEventGenerator Interface optionally implemented by the object returned by the activate method of a Link to allow the client to receive progress updates during the course of the activation.
ProgressListener The listener interface for receiving ProgressEvents from the ProgressEventGenerator object, which may be returned by a Link's activate method.
ResourceInfo A bundle of information about a resource represented by a Link.
StatusEventGenerator Interface optionally implemented by the object returned by the activate method of a Link to allow the client to receive status updates during the course of the activation.
StatusListener The listener interface for receiving StatusEvents from the StatusEventGenerator object, which may be returned by a Link's activate method.

Class Summary
LinkItem Associates a Link to a ResourceInfo.
LinkMapEvent An event that indicates a change in the contents of a DynamicLinkMap.
ProgressEvent An event that indicates a revised progress of a Link activation expressed in terms of percent complete.
PropertyFileResourceInfo A bundle of information about a resource represented by a Link.
ServicePresenter Contains a static method that allows Place service UIs to request that the service host present a service to the user.
ServiceURLLink Represents a URL-based link to a Jini service on the network.
SpiderFodder A bundle of information that search engines spiders can use to record information about this service in their database.
StatusEvent An event that indicates a revised status of a Link activation expressed in a non-null, localized String.
URLFactory Jini service that produces a URL.
URLFactoryLink Represents a link to a URLFactory on the network.