Step 1. Magic Number hex bytes name --------- ---- CAFEBABE magic First the JVM must make sure that the class file starts with the proper magic number. In this case our JVM will be happy because it will find the CafeBabe magic right where it's supposed to be. By the way, all numbers are stored in the class file in big-endian order, which means the higher order bytes come first. The very first byte of every class file, therefore, will be 0xCA. **** Step 2. Version Numbers hex dec name --- --- ---- 0003 3 minor_version 002D 45 major_version Next, the JVM must make sure that it recognizes and fully understands the format of the class file being loaded. If either the major or minor version number is higher than those version numbers for which this JVM was implemented, the JVM must reject the class file. In this case, our JVM is relieved to find that the file has major version 45 and minor version 3, of which it has intimate knowledge. **** Step 3. Constant Pool Count 0011 17 constant_pool_count The next two bytes make up an unsigned short integer which indicates the number of elements in the constant pool array. In this case the constant pool will have 17 elements, but because the zeroeth element doesn't appear in the class file, the JVM will expect to find elements 1 through 16 next in the stream. ** Step 4. constant_pool[1] 07 7 tag 000C 12 name_index Each constant pool element contains a structure whose type is indicated by the first byte of the element which is interpreted as a type tag. The first constant pool entry is a CONSTANT_Class_info structure. The JVM knows this because it finds a 7, which means CONSTANT_Class, in the tag byte position. Aside from the tag the CONSTANT_Class_info structure has only a name_index, which in this case is 12. This is an index into the constant pool. The JVM doesn't know it yet, because it hasn't read in the 12th element of the constant pool, but the 12th element will be the string "java/lang/Object", which is the name of the superclass of this class. Because class Act doesn't explicitly descend from any other class, it by default descends from class Object. Note that this is the first constant pool element and that it already has index 1. constant_pool[0] doesn't appear in the class file. *** Step 5. constant_pool[2] 07 7 tag 000D 13 name_index The 2nd constant pool entry is another CONSTANT_Class_info structure. The JVM knows this because it again finds a 7, which still means CONSTANT_Class, in the tag byte position. The name_index here, however, is 13. constant_pool[13] will be the string "Act", although once again the JVM doesn't know this yet because it hasn't read that far into the constant pool. At this point the JVM only knows that when it does get around to the 13th constant pool element, that element will contain the name of the class which is represented by the CONSTANT_Class_info structure occupying constant_pool[2]. constant_pool[2] therefore represents the "this" class, class Act, which this class file defines. *** Step 6. constant_pool[3] 0A 10 tag 0001 1 class_index 0004 4 name_and_type_index constant_pool[3] contains a CONSTANT_Methodref_info structure, indicated by the tag of 10, which means CONSTANT_Methodref. A CONSTANT_Methodref_info structure represents a method and records its name, type, and the class to which it belongs. The first two bytes after the tag, the class_index, form an index into the constant pool, in this case a 1. constant_pool[1] represents the superclass Object, so this method should be declared in Object. The next two bytes make up the name_and_type_index, which is an index into the constant pool pointing to a CONSTANT_NameAndType structure. In this case name_and_type_index is 4 and constant_pool[4] defines "void ()". Because class Act doesn't declare its own constructor, the javac compiler wrote one of its own which calls () in superclass Object. ***** Step 7. constant_pool[4] 0C 12 tag 000E 14 name_index 0010 16 descriptor_index constant_pool[4] is a CONSTANT_NameAndType structure identified by its initial tag of 12, which stands for CONSTANT_NameAndType. Following the tag byte is the name_index, which is 14. constant_pool[14] will be the string "". Next is the descriptor_index, which is 16. constant_pool[16] will be the string "()V". "" is the name of the method being described. "()V" is the type. In plain Java it would look like "void ()". "()V" is a method descriptor. The "()" indicates that there are no arguments to "". The "V" indicates the return type of "" is void. ***** Step 8. constant_pool[5] 01 1 tag 000D 13 length 436F6E7374616E7456616C7565 "ConstantValue" bytes[length] constant_pool[5] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure as identified by its tag of 1, which means CONSTANT_Utf8. CONSTANT_Utf8 is how constant strings are encoded in the constant pool. The UTF-8 format allows any 16 bit character to be represented by either 1, 2, or 3 bytes. The characters '\u0001' to '\u007F' occupy only one byte. Other characters require 2 or 3 bytes, however, these characters are expected to appear less frequently than the characters that require only 1 byte. By this means the full 16 bit Unicode character set can be supported by the class file without using as much space as would likely be used by just making each character 16 bits long. The tag byte of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure is followed by a length, in this case 13, which indicates the length in bytes of the UTF-8 format string that follows. In this case the string spells out "ConstantValue". This string is used internally by the class file in a manner that will be described later in the file loading simulation. There is no trailing null character in a CONSTANT_Utf8_info.bytes as that would unnecessarily waste bandwidth. **************** Step 9. constant_pool[6] 01 1 tag 000D 13 length 646F4D617468466F7265766572 "doMathForever" bytes[length] constant_pool[6] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "doMathForever". This is the name of the lone method defined in class Act. **************** Step 10. constant_pool[7] 01 1 tag 000A 10 length 457863657074696F6E73 "Exceptions" bytes[length] constant_pool[7] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "Exceptions". ************* Step 11. constant_pool[8] 01 1 tag 000F 15 length 4C696E654E756D6265725461626C65 "LineNumberTable" bytes[length] constant_pool[8] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "LineNumberTable". ****************** Step 12. constant_pool[9] 01 1 tag 000A 10 length 536F7572636546696C65 "SourceFile" bytes[length] constant_pool[9] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "SourceFile". ************* Step 13. constant_pool[10] 01 1 tag 000E 14 length 4C6F63616C5661726961626C6573 "LocalVariable" bytes[length] constant_pool[10] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "LocalVariable". ***************** Step 14. constant_pool[11] 01 1 tag 0004 4 length 436F6465 "Code" bytes[length] constant_pool[11] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "Code". ******* Step 15. constant_pool[12] 01 1 tag 0010 16 length 6A6176612F6C616E672F4F626A656374 "java/lang/Object" bytes[length] constant_pool[12] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "java/lang/Object". This is the fully qualified class name of "java.lang.Object" with the dots changed to slashes. (The slashes are there in place of the dots because of historical reasons.) ******************* Step 16. constant_pool[13] 01 1 tag 0003 3 length 416374 "Act" bytes[length] constant_pool[13] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "Act". This is the name of the class which is being defined by this file. ****** Step 17. constant_pool[14] 01 1 tag 0006 6 length 3C696E69743E "" bytes[length] constant_pool[14] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "", the name of a method in the superclass, Object. ********* Step 18. constant_pool[15] 01 1 tag 000B 11 length 736E697065742E6A617661 "" bytes[length] constant_pool[15] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "", the name of the source file in which class Act was defined. ************** Step 19. constant_pool[16] 01 1 tag 0003 3 length 282956 "()V" bytes[length] constant_pool[15] is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure which contains the string "()V", a method descriptor which translates to a method that takes no arguments and returns void. ****** Step 20. Access Flags 0000 access_flags The access flags are a two byte unsigned integer that is composed by bitwise oring bitmasks for individual flags that represent modifiers of the class or interface defined by this file. For example, ACC_PUBLIC is 0x0001 and ACC_FINAL is 0x0010. A class declared to be both public and final would have its access flags set to 0x0011, or (ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL). In this case no access_flags are set because the class being defined, class Act, was not declared to be public, final, or abstract. Classes which are declared with these modifiers would have the appropriate bitmasks from ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_FINAL, and ACC_ABSTRACT ored together to make the resultant access_flags. Also, if a class file defines an interface and not class, then an ACC_INTERFACE bit is set in access_flags. This is how the JVM knows whether a class or an interface is being defined by the file. ** Step 21. This Class and Super Class 0002 2 this_class 0001 1 super_class this_class is a two byte unsigned integer index into the constant pool, where constant_pool[this_class] is a CONSTANT_Class_info structure representing the class defined by this file. In our case it is the CONSTANT_Class_info structure for class Act. super_class is a two byte unsigned integer index into the constant pool, where constant_pool[super_class] is a CONSTANT_Class_info structure representing the superclass from which the class defined by this file decends. In our case it is the CONSTANT_Class_info structure for class Object. **** Step 22. Interfaces Count and Fields Count 0000 0 interfaces_count 0000 0 fields_count interfaces_count is a two byte unsigned integer which indicates the number of interfaces implemented by this class. Because class Act implements no interfaces, interfaces_count is zero in this case. fields_count is a two byte unsigned integer which indicates the number of fields (class or instance variables) implemented by this class. Because class Act has no class or instance variables, fields_count is zero in our case. **** Step 23. Methods Count 0002 2 methods_count methods_count is a two byte unsigned integer indicating the number of methods defined by this class. The count does not include any methods inherited from superclasses, only those methods explicitly defined in this class. In this case methods_count is 2 because doMathForever() is defined in the source file and the constructor Act() is defined by the compiler. The JVM will expect an array of 2 method_info structures to immediately follow this methods_count. ** Step 24. doMathForever()'s Access Flags, Name Index, and Descriptor Index 0009 access_flags 0006 6 name_index 0010 16 descriptor_index This is the beginning of the array of method_info structures that immediately follows the methods_count. The first method_info structure, methods[0], gives information about the doMathForever() method. The second method_info structure, methods[1], gives information about the Act() constructor. The first three parts of methods[0] are shown here. access_flags gives the modifiers with which the method was declared. In this case access_flags is a 0x0009 which equates to (ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC). If you look back at the source code, the doMathForever() method is indeed declared public and static. The name_index indicates the constant pool entry where the name of the method is stored. In this case name_index is 6 and constant_pool[6] is indeed the UTF-8 string "doMathForever". The descriptor_index indicates the constant pool entry where the descriptor of this method is stored. In this case descriptor_index is 16 and constant_pool[16] is the string "()V". This descriptor string indicates that doMathForever() is a method which takes no arguments and returns void. ****** Step 25. doMathForever() Attributes 0001 1 attributes_count methods[0].attributes[0] 000B 11 attribute_name_index 00000030 48 length Following the descriptor_index of a method is its attributes_count. In this case there is only 1 attribute for the doMathForever() method. The list of attributes follows the attributes_count. Here there is only one attribute, attributes[0]. The first two bytes of the attribute are the attribute_name_index. The attribute_name_index is the index of the constant pool entry which contains the name of the attribute. In this case attribute_name_index is 11 and constant_pool[11] is "Code". Therefore this is the Code attribute of doMathForever() which will contain, among a few other items, the actual bytecode sequence for the method. The length word indicates the number of bytes in the attribute, in this case 48 bytes. This means 48 bytes will follow this length word. ******** Step 26. doMathForever() Max Stack and Max Locals 0002 2 max_stack 0001 1 max_locals Max stack is a two byte unsigned integer that indicates the maximum number of entries on the JVM's operand stack at any point in the method. Max locals is a two byte unsigned integer that indicates the number of local variables slots used by the method. Each local variable slot is a four byte word. In this case, max_stack is 2. If you look back at the Eternal Math applet from last month's article and watch the operand stack as the JVM executes the doMathForever() bytecodes, you will see that the operand stack never has more than two words in it. The max_locals is 1 in this case, because doMathForever() takes no arguments and has only one variable, i. If you look back at the Eternal Math applet you can see that there is only one word in the local variables section of doMathForever()'s stack frame, the integer i. **** Step 27. doMathForever() Bytecodes and Exception Table 0000000C 12 code_length 033B8400011A05683BA7FFF9 code[code_length] 0000 0 exception_table_length code_length indicates the number of bytes in the bytecode sequence for this method. The actual bytecodes follow the code_length. In this case the doMathForever() method bytecode sequence fills 12 bytes. If you look back to the Eternal Math applet from last month's article you will see that these are the bytecodes being executed in that simulation. pc instruction mnemonic -- ----------- -------- 0 03 iconst_0 1 3B istore_0 2 840001 iinc 0 1 5 1A iload_0 6 05 iconst_2 7 68 imul 8 3B istore_0 9 A7FFF9 goto 2 exception_table_length indicates the number of exceptions that are caught in the method. In the case of doMathForever(), exception_table_length is zero because no exceptions are explicitly caught in this method. For methods that do catch exceptions, an array of exception handler structures immediately follows the exception_table_length. One other thing you may notice at this point is that these bytecodes haven't been assigned a place in memory yet. This is done by the JVM when it loads the class file. Therefore, the value I called pc is really the offset from the actual program counter address at which this bytecode sequence is loaded by a JVM. ****************** Step 28. Attributes of the doMathForever() Code Attribute 0001 1 attributes_count 0008 8 attribute_name_index 00000012 18 attribute_length 0004 4 line_number_table_length The doMathForever() "Code" attribute itself has a "sub-attribute" section. I.e., the attributes listed here belong to the "Code" attribute of doMathForever(). attributes_count is 1, which indicates there is only one attribute belonging to the "Code" attribute of doMathForever(). attribute_name_index is an 8, and constant_pool[8] is the string "LineNumberTable". This is the name of the attribute. attribute_length gives the length of attribute "LineNumberTable" as 18. The line_number_table_length is 4, meaning that there will be 4 line_number_table entries immediately following. If you look back at the snipet of Java code which defines doMathForever() you'll see that there are only 4 lines of code which get translated to bytecodes: line 4: i = 0; line 5: while (true) { line 6: i += 1; line 7: i *= 2; These four lines will be matched up with the corresponding bytecodes in the line_number_table that follows. ********** Step 29. Line Number Table for doMathForever() hex dec name what it refers to --- --- ---- ------------------- line_number_table[0] 0000 0 start_pc iconst_0, istore_0 0004 4 line_number int i = 0; line_number_table[1] 0002 2 start_pc iinc 0 1 0006 6 line_number i += 1 line_number_table[2] 0005 5 start_pc iload_0, iconst_2, imul, istore_0 0007 7 line_number i *= 2 line_number_table[3] 0009 9 start_pc goto 2 0005 5 line_number while (true) { The above table associates each line in the doMathForever() code with its corresponding bytecode instruction. The start_pc value of each table entry indicates the zero based byte position inside the doMathForever() bytecode sequence. The line_number value of each table entry is the line number of the source file that corresponds to the start_pc position in the bytecode sequence. The line number information is of general utility. It is useful to debuggers, for example. It also allows the line number at which an exception is thrown to be written to the Java console. This is the last of the information in the class file about the doMathForever() method. Next will come the information about the other method of this class, the constructor Act(). **************** Step 30. Act()'s Access Flags, Name Index, and Descriptor Index methods[1] 0000 access_flags 000E 14 name_index 0010 16 descriptor_index This is the beginning of the second method_info structure, methods[1], which gives information about the Act() constructor. The first three parts of methods[1] are shown here. access_flags gives the modifiers with which the method was declared. In this case access_flags is a 0x0000 which means it's neither public, private, protected, static, final, synchronized, native, or abstract. It's just a plain old method. The name_index indicates the constant pool entry where the name of the method is stored. In this case name_index is 14 and constant_pool[14] is indeed the UTF-8 string "". "" is a special internal method name used to represent constructors. The descriptor_index indicates the constant pool entry where the descriptor of this method is stored. In this case descriptor_index is 16 and constant_pool[16] is the string "()V". This descriptor string indicates that () or Act() is a method which takes no arguments and returns void. ****** Step 31. Act() Attributes 0001 1 attributes_count 000B 11 attribute_name_index 0000001D 29 attribute_length Following the descriptor_index of a method is its attributes_count. In this case there is only 1 attribute for the Act() method. The list of attributes follows the attributes_count. Here there is only one attribute, attributes[0]. The first two bytes of the attribute are the attribute_name_index. The attribute_name_index is the index of the constant pool entry which contains the name of the attribute. In this case attribute_name_index is 11 and constant_pool[11] is "Code". Therefore this is the Code attribute of doMathForever() which will contain, among a few other items, the actual bytecode sequence for the method. The length word indicates the number of bytes in the attribute, in this case 29 bytes. This means 29 bytes will follow this length word. ******** Step 32. Act() Max Stack and Max Locals 0001 1 max_stack 0001 1 max_locals Max stack is a two byte unsigned integer that indicates the maximum number of entries on the JVM's operand stack at any point in the method, in this case 1. Max locals is a two byte unsigned integer that indicates the number of local variables slots used by the method, in this case 1. Each local variable slot is a four byte word. **** Step 33. Act() Bytecodes and Exception Table 00000005 5 code_length 2AB70003B1 code[code_length] 0000 0 exception_table_length code_length indicates the number of bytes in the bytecode sequence for this method. The actual bytecodes follow the code_length. In this case the Act() method bytecode sequence fills 5 bytes. This method was generated by the compiler and doesn't appear in the Java source file for class Act. pc instruction mnemonic -- ----------- -------- 0 2A aload_0 1 B70003 invokenonvirtual #3 ()V> 4 B1 return If you look at the operand for the second instruction, invokenonvirtual (bytecode B7), you will see a 0003. If you go look at constant_pool[3] you'll find a name and type constant that describes the method of java.lang.Object. exception_table_length indicates the number of exceptions that are caught in the method. In the case of Act(), exception_table_length is zero because no exceptions are explicitly caught in this method. For methods that do catch exceptions, an array of exception handler structures immediately follows the exception_table_length. *********** Step 34. Line Number Table Attribute of the Act() Code Attribute hex dec name --- --- ---- 0001 1 attributes_count 0008 8 attribute_name_index 00000006 6 attribute_length 0001 1 line_number_table_length The Act() "Code" attribute itself has a "sub-attribute" section. I.e., the attributes listed here belong to the "Code" attribute of Act(). attributes_count is 1, which indicates there is only one attribute belonging to the "Code" attribute of Act(). attribute_name_index is an 8, and constant_pool[8] is the string "LineNumberTable". This is the name of the attribute. attribute_length gives the length of attribute "LineNumberTable" as 6. The line_number_table_length is 1, meaning that there will be only 1 line_number_table entry immediately following. ********** Step 35. Line Number Table for Act() hex dec name what it refers to --- --- ---- ----------------- 0000 0 start_pc aload_0, invokenonvirtual #3, return 0002 2 line_number class Act { The above table associates a line in the Java source file with the starting instruction of the Act() method. The start_pc value of the table entry indicates the zero based byte position inside the Act() bytecode sequence. The line_number value of the table entry is the line number of the source file that corresponds to the start_pc position in the bytecode sequence. This is the last of the information in the class file about the Act() method, which was the last method to be described by this file. The last section of the class file follows, the general class file attributes. **** Step 36. General Attributes 0001 1 attributes_count 0009 9 attribute_name_index 00000002 2 attribute_length 000F 15 sourcefile_index A class file can have any number of attributes at the end. In this case attributes_count is a 1, so there is only 1 attribute here. The attribute_name_index is 9, and constant_pool[9] is the string "SourceFile". Therefore, this is the "SourceFile" attribute. attribute_length gives the length of the attribute as 2, which means that two bytes will follow the attribute_length field. The last two bytes are the sourcefile_index, which in this case is 15. constant_pool[15] is the string "", which as it happens, is the name of the source file I compiled with javac to generate this file, Act.class. **********