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On Ceremony and Training Wheels

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Rick DeNatale

Posts: 269
Nickname: rdenatale
Registered: Sep, 2007

Rick DeNatale is a consultant with over three decades of experience in OO technology.
On Ceremony and Training Wheels Posted: May 18, 2008 9:34 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Rick DeNatale.
Original Post: On Ceremony and Training Wheels
Feed Title: Talk Like A Duck
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Feed Description: Musings on Ruby, Rails, and other topics by an experienced object technologist.
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The perennial topic of getting duck-typing in ruby has come up again. A ruby nuby wonders about the dangers of passing a “giraffe” object to a method expecting an “order.” Or asking an object to “draw”, expecting it to be a “brush” when it was really a “cowboy.”

These are reasonable questions, coming from someone who is used to a high-ceremony language which gives at least the illusion of protection from such “errors.” Note that method signatures in languages like Java can’t really protect from a draw method doing different things in different classes.

J. Cooper offered the following good advice:

Instead, look at it like this: how likely is a Giraffe able to do what an Order does? If the Giraffe doesn’t quack like an Order, than an exception is going to be thrown automatically anyway.

Just program in it, and see how often it ever actually bites you. Start with small things, work your way up.

The advice here is to tackle the problem of learning a language like Ruby with a certain amount of fearlessness. This reminds me of learning to ride a bike.

The traditional way of learning to ride a bicycle is to use training wheels, sometimes even progressively. Your dad might have installed the training wheels so that they touched the ground, turning the bike into a kind of tricycle with an extra, overly large back wheel between the normal ones. You think you’re riding a bike, but you’re really still on a trike.

The next stage, is for dad to raise the training wheels a bit so that you need to start learning to balance properly, but you can’t really tip too far. Now you’re riding something that kind of acts like a bicycle, but which “flops over” into tricycle mode.

If you never get past this stage, you never really learn to ride a bike. In an analogy with programming in Ruby, training wheels are chicken typing devices.

The truth is that bicycles and motorcycles operate quite differently than wheeled vehicles which keep three or more wheels on the ground, for one thing you steer by leaning, not with the handlebars or steering wheel. Learning to fly an airplane gives even stronger examples of having to learn that your instincts are wrong, and that you have to train yourself to “instinctively” know not only that you turn by banking rather than with the rudder, but that you control altitude primarily with the throttle, not the elevators, speed primarily with the elevators not the throttle, and so forth.

Now the use of training wheels, or flight simulators, might be considered a ceremony, although a necessary rite of passage for many learners. Given the high cost of mistakes in learning, it’s no doubt a good thing that student pilots get time in simulators and in dual control planes accompanied by a flight instructor before soloing. Although the way most young birds learn to fly is to be throw out of the nest to “sink” or “swim” so to speak.

In learning to program, it’s hard to see a difference between a simulator and reality, so it’s perfectly feasible to “fly the plane” from the start. The consequences of a mistake are no more dire than making a mistake in a flight simulator. It’s really just a matter of conquering fear, not to rely on chicken-typing, and the more mistakes you make and correct, the more quickly you come to grips with the differences in really using a dynamically typed language from earlier experiences.

Some can do this easier than others. For example, Alex, my 6-year old next-door neighbor recently jumped off his tricycle, and onto a bicycle (sans training wheels) and is now zooming around our cul-de-sac faster than ever before.

So if you’re struggling with how to program Ruby or a similar language because lacking ceremonial training wheels to “bridge the gap” from Java or a similar language. Might I suggest that you just jump in like Alex and give it a whirl.

Of course, it’s rarely easy to be as fearless as a 6-year old!

Read: On Ceremony and Training Wheels

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