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Partially applied functions

2 replies on 1 page. Most recent reply: Nov 27, 2016 7:40 AM by Daniel Barclay

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Mohamed Alla Pitchai

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Nickname: morabeek
Registered: May, 2016

Partially applied functions Posted: May 29, 2016 12:51 PM
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On page 151 (second edition) there is a statement in the first paragraph which states the following:
"Although you can't assign a method or nested function to a variable, or pass it an argument to another function, you can do these things if you wrap the method or nested function in a function value by placing an underscore after its name."

I am not sure why I can't send a function as an argument to another function. I don't understand the author's point. Please give an example. Please consider the following example.

object PartiallyAppliedFunction {

def square(x:Int) = x * x

def sumOfSquares(x:Int=>Int, a:Int, b:Int) = x(a) + x(b)

def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("hello world");

println(sumOfSquares(square, 1,2))


In the above example I am passing "square" function to "sumOfSquares" function. So I am thinking why it is not possible to pass a method as argument to another function.
Please help me understanding the statement given in the paragraph mentioned at the beginning.

Thanks & Regards,

Jingjing Duan

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Re: Partially applied functions Posted: May 29, 2016 10:40 PM
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What the author meant was you can't assign a function to a var or val. See line 10 below.

It seems you can pass a function to another function. However, that's only a "special case". A few pages later, the author said "If you are writing a partially applied function expression in which you leave off all parameters, such as println _ or sum _, you can express it more concisely by leaving off the underscore if a function is required at that point in the code". In other words, when you pass a function as a partially applied function to another function, you can pass it as is. (again, this is only a compiler trick, you are actually still passing square _, see line 17 below)

To be honest, I think this is kind of lame. In almost all functional programming languages, you can assign functions to vals or vars without the ugly trailing underscore.

1 object PartiallyAppliedFunction {
2 def square(x:Int) = x * x
4 def sumOfSquares(x:Int=>Int, a:Int, b:Int) = x(a) + x(b)
6 def main(args:Array[String]) {
7 println("hello world");
9 // this line won't compile
10 // val squareAlias = square
12 // this line will compile
13 val squareAlias = square _
15 println("square of 3 is: " + squareAlias(3))
17 println(sumOfSquares(square _, 1,2))
18 }
20 }

Daniel Barclay

Posts: 5
Nickname: daniel7
Registered: Sep, 2016

Re: Partially applied functions Posted: Nov 27, 2016 7:40 AM
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> you can't assign a function to a var or val.

Did you mean that you can't assign a method to a var or val?

> val squareAlias = ...

In that declaration and initialization, what is being assigned to squareAlias other than a function (a references to a function object)?

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