
Provides classes and interfaces that enable Jini services to act as collections of links to other services on the network.


Interface Summary
Dismissable Interface implemented by network-mobile objects that consume finite non-memory resources, such as sockets, database connections, threads, file handles, etc.
DistributedIterator An iterator over a potentially distributed collection of object.
DynamicPlace A dynamic map of Links to services on the network.
Link Represents a link to a service on the network.
ModifiablePlace A modifiable map of Links to services on the network.
Place A map of Links to services on the network.
PlaceChangeListener The listener interface for receiving PlaceChangeEvents from a DynamicPlace.
PlaceHolder Interface implemented by services that can produce a Place service, a map of Links to services on the network.
ProgressEventGenerator Interface that enables a client to register interest in receiving progress updates of some activity.
ProgressListener The listener interface for receiving ProgressEvents from the ProgressEventGenerator object, which may be returned by a Link's activate method.
ServicePresenter Contains presentService methods that allow clients to request that the service host (likely a user agent such as a browser) present a service to the user.
ServicePresenterHolder Interface implemented by services that may wish to activate Links on behalf of users, and delegate some or all of the Link activation responsibility to the client.

Class Summary
GoldenLinkItem Entry containing a link to this service (the service in whose ServiceItem this entry appears) and bundle of localizable information that can be used to represent a link to this service to users, or be used by search engines indexing this service.
LinkItem Associates a Link with an attributes Set.
MarshalledServiceItemLink A Link that contains a reference to a marshalled Jini ServiceItem.
MulticastDiscoveryLink A Link that performs queries in lookup services located via multicast discovery.
PlaceChangeEvent An event that indicates a change in the contents of a DynamicPlace.
ProgressEvent An event that indicates a revised progress of a Link activation expressed in terms of percent complete.
ServerAddress Holds a String host name and int port number.
UnicastDiscoveryLink Represents a unicast discovery-based link to a Jini service on the network.
URLFactory Jini service that produces a URL or array of URLs.
URLFactoryLink Represents a URL-based link to a resource on the network.
URLString Holds a valid URL String.
WebServerLink Represents an HTTP-based link to a service on a webserver.

Exception Summary
StoppedException This exception will indicate that the retrieval request was stopped because of invocation of the of stopRetrieval() method.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces that enable Jini services to act as collections of links to other services on the network. The full specification of this package is available at: