Re: Library or Framework?
Posted: Mar 17, 2006 8:12 PM
> Since a framework's goal is to eliminate the > mindless duplicated work, for those cases "convention over > configuration" makes sense, and I think this idea is an > important contribution. But how long did it take us for > someone to see that? A long time, and a lot of expense and > pain. Ideally, a framework will allow you to skip over all > that, but a framework that makes the wrong choices > (EJB1/2, for example) can end up adding work and expense > to your job.
Yes, and I'm sure you would agree that time can also work against a framework, as it becomes more and more "mature", it becomes more and more restrictive, doing too many things for you, enforcing too many restrictions in the form of "conventions", with the added need of guaranteeing backward compatibility of applications.
But then, I believe this is where good design principles and "art" comes in, in which frameworks evolve through refactoring and better understanding of things. But yet, certain sacrifices will have to be made, for example, backward compatibility may no longer be guaranteed, or at least trying to do so would give rise to a "synthetic" design, something that would not seem as elegant. Plus, increased flexibility in the new design may give too much leeway, allowing programmers to easily deviate from "convention", which is also something that can work against you.
My question is, although this may seem somewhat obvious to some, are frameworks built to last? Can they last? I feel frameworks need to be kept to a minimum, providing everything else through libraries, something that lasts much longer and are much easier to extend and adapt unlike frameworks. Thoughts?