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Programming in Scala cover

Fifth Edition
June 14, 2021
651 pages (eBook)
667 pages (Paper Book)

A comprehensive step-by-step guide
by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners, and Frank Sommers

This book is the authoritative tutorial on the Scala programming language, co-written by the language's designer, Martin Odersky. This fifth edition has been updated to cover new features up to and including Scala version 3.0.

Programming in Scala cover

Fourth Edition
December 15, 2019
869 pages (eBook)
896 pages (Paper Book)

A comprehensive step-by-step guide
by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners

This book is the authoritative tutorial on the Scala programming language, co-written by the language's designer, Martin Odersky. This fourth edition has been updated to cover new features up to and including Scala version 2.13.

Advanced Programming in Scala cover

Fifth Edition
Version 1
September 27, 2022
272 pages (eBook)

An in-depth guide to advanced features
by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners

This book is a companion to Programming in Scala, Fifth Edition that dives deeply into the advanced aspects of Scala 3.

Modern Mathematics cover

First Edition
Version 1
July 24, 2024
314 pages (eBook)

Cutting-edge math for today's coder
by Vlad Patryshev

This book is focused on areas of mathematics that illuminate how computing works. It covers a wide range of ideas that will give you insights into the nature of programming that will help you avoid errors when you design and build software.

Programming in Scala cover

Third Edition
April 21, 2016
859 pages (eBook)
888 pages (Paper Book)

A comprehensive step-by-step guide
by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners

Although most people will likely want the fourth edition, which covers Scala 2.13, we are continuing to make the third edition available for people using versions 2.12 and earlier.

Scala Puzzlers cover

November 26, 2014
264 pages

The fun path to deeper understanding
by Andrew Phillips and Nermin Šerifović

Scala Puzzlers is a collection of puzzles that provide an entertaining and instructive way to understand the Scala language better.

Akka Concurrency cover

May 24, 2013
529 pages (eBook)
XXVII, 521 pages (Paper book)

Building reliable software in a multi-core world
by Derek Wyatt

Writing truly concurrent software on the Java Virtual Machine just got a whole lot easier. The Akka Toolkit takes the sting out of coding for multiple cores, multiple processors, and even multiple machines.

Akka Concurrency will show you what it means to design and write software in the paradigm of Akka. You'll learn how to think about your software in new and exciting ways that will allow you to express your designs naturally, allowing you to focus on the business of your software more than on the concurrency of it. This book picks up where the Akka documentation leaves off, exploring the how and the why of Akka, in a way that will empower you to grow your applications to new levels of scalability, responsiveness, and performance.

ScalaCheck: The Definitive Guide cover

June 16, 2014
137 pages (eBook)
148 pages (Paper Book)

Property-based testing on the Java Platform
by Rickard Nilsson

ScalaCheck: The Definitive Guide explains the big ideas behind ScalaCheck, and shows how to use it effectively to write tests at the higher level of property specifications.

Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14) cover

Last revised
April 2, 2015
409 pages

by Scott Meyers

This PDF document consists of Scott Meyers' extensively annotated presentation materials for his training course on C++11 and C++14. This intensively technical seminar introduces the most important new features in C++11 and C++14 and explains how to get the most out of them.

Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment cover

Last revised
April 2, 2015
320 pages

by Scott Meyers

An in-depth examination of C++, its costs compared to C, and how it can be effectively applied in embedded systems.

Agile Hiring cover

First Edition
March 25, 2011
228 pages (eBook)
XXIII,213 pages (Paper Book)

Transform how you hire software professionals
by Sean Landis

Hiring software professionals is a difficult problem, but few books exist on this specific topic. This book presents a fresh approach that is tested by fire: developed by the author in over twenty years of experience hiring software professionals at both small companies and large. Drawing on principles from the "agile" software movement, this book offers a different way to think about hiring. This book will provide principles and techniques that will help you to hire the best software professionals.

Actors in Scala cover

First Edition
January 31, 2012 187 pages (eBook)
XXV, 169 pages (Paper book)

Concurrent programming for the multi-core era
by Philipp Haller and Frank Sommers

Actors in Scala is the authoritative guide to programming with the actors framework of Scala's standard library, co-written by the creator and lead maintainer, Philipp Haller. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the actor model of concurrency and shows how Scala's actors enable you to build efficient, scalable, and robust concurrent software for the JVM.

Flex 4 Fun cover

First Edition
August 14, 2010
295 pages (eBook)
XVI, 288 pages (Paper Book)

Graphics and animation for better user interfaces
by Chet Haase

This book is the authoritative guide to graphics and animation in Flex 4: the fun stuff! Written by Chet Haase, an engineer on the Adobe Flex team and coauthor of Filthy Rich Clients, this book will teach you the graphical and animation technologies in Flex 4 that enable better user experiences.

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