Re: When Reuse Goes Bad
Posted: Jul 5, 2006 12:34 AM
Hm,... another occurrence of framework-itis is: Everybody in the team builds a framework for himself, but for the same problem. I am faced with that at the moment, organizing a meeting tomorrow to fix this. Another problem is, that these fraeworks are build to use a commercial application-framework. I should say: To build around it. I build one myself, showing it to the others, publishing it for the whole team, provindig examples, etc.
No I have to look, why they do not use it, but building their own, solving the same problems, sometimes the same way.
I don't like to use it my own, most the time, because I want to use the original framework directly:
Like every good framework, it had several possibilities to reuse code in different positions. So you can implement reusable components for the GUI/View or the controller (MVC). I walked around the team last weak an looked how everybody solves the common problems. There are some which build such an component for everything, but most the time they can not be reused without modifications, because they are so specialised. Others build super generic componets, which are hard to configure. (Like mentioned above by others.) There are also some colleagues which do not want to build an use potential resuable components at all.
Wierd? I think it's mainly because the main application framework, was never really documented. You cann do some nice things with a grafical designer, but everything beyond that is "guess, try and error". Yes, it is a framework, but it is hard to reuse. I think EJB are simplier to use, or may be, you can just get more documentation, tuturials, etc. about them.
I'll try starting to fix some of the (meta) problems tommorrow. I think this will be lift off towards a philosophic discussion ...