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Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!)

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Michele Simionato

Posts: 222
Nickname: micheles
Registered: Jun, 2008

Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!) (View in Weblogs)
Posted: Nov 15, 2009 12:07 AM
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Some musings about my personal history with inheritance and interfaces, solicited by the release of the Go language this week.

I am an atypical programmer, since I spent most of my career doing science, not programming. When I first learned about Object Oriented Programming, a little bit more than seven years ago, I compared it with my experience in Mathematics and Physics. I was puzzled. In Mathematics you have objects (consider for instance the elements of a Lie group) but the objects themselves are not important: the important entities are the relations about the objects, their properties. When I write a + b in a mathematical expression I am not really interested in the objects: a and b may be numbers, or matrices, or functions, or even operators in a Hilbert space if I am doing Quantum Mechanics: in any case, the important thing is the addition operation. The + means that I am performing a commutative operation and therefore that the objects I am using are part of a commutative group and a set of well know properties are valid for them. Translated into programming jargon, that idea means exactly that the important things are the interfaces, i.e. the set of operations/methods which are available to the objects, not the objects themselves. Actually, the details about what the objects really are can be disregarded as implementation artifacts and I can write generic code which works for all objects satisfying a known interface, just as in Mathematics I can write a single proof valid for the entire class of entities satisfying a given set of properties.

This was my forma mentis when I begun studying object orientation. I was used to consider functions as the primary entities, and objects as inert material on top of which functions operate. Actually, it seemed backwards to me to attach functions to (classes of) objects. In traditional (Smalltalk-inspired) OOP instead this is exactly what happens. One focuses on objects: one writes window.create(), not create(window). One is induced to put the focus on the window which owns the .create method and not on the general operation of creation which is meaningful for all kinds of objects. Anyway, I kept studying and at the end I become acquainted with the OOP approach: I was no more disturbed by window.create() vs create(window). It is ironic that a year later I discovered Lisp and its object system (CLOS) where you indeed write create(window). It is understable that I immediately became a supporter of generic functions: I decided that I was right the first time after all ;) It is also clear why I am a supporter of functional programming. Nowadays, after years of experience writing an maintaining large code bases, I am even more convinced the really important things are not the objects (or classes) but the interfaces.

During my first six months of OOP programming I also had issues with another concept: inheritance. I remember that when I saw classes for the first time I said "look ma, objects are just the same as Pascal records and methods are just functions taking a record as first argument, they are not difficult at all!". It turns out I was wrong. Classes are very much different than Pascal records, the reason being inheritance. Inheritance makes classes quite nontrivial, and I had to write a paper on inheritance to understand its gory details (my first paper about programming, the infamous MRO paper). At that point however I only understood the tecnical details; but a year later I was hired as a programmer, I started working with Zope and then I understood what inheritance really was in the real word. From that time I started looking for alternative solutions to inheritance. I remember that once (something like 4 or 5 years ago) I implemented a toy object system in Scheme without inheritance, to see how it was like to program without it. From that experiment I concluded that one cannot really avoid single inheritance (I mean, you can, but then you have to implement some workaround which is more or less equivalent to it) whereas instead you can easily throw multiple inheritance out of the window. A couple of years ago I also became interested in the language SML which I really liked for various reasons, the most important being the lack on inheritance and the presence of interfaces.

It is at that moment that I decided to start a public campaign against inheritance and pro interfaces. Interfaces are the really important idea, not inheritance, but unfortunately many languages conflate the two concepts and make things confusing. Inheritance is a (often wrong) way of ensuring interface compliance, in the sense that a subclass satifies the same interface of its superclass, but in general two objects can have the same interface without having a common base class. After studying SML I became really convinced that there should be a formal way to specify that property in the language. I also decided to write a set of articles about the dangers of inheritance: I published on Artima four papers about mixins (1, 2, 3 and 4), a paper about generic functions and a paper about traits for people still emotionally attached to the Smalltalk OOP model and not wanting to switch to the CLOS model. I also planned to write a paper about interfaces, to explain how things should be done, but I never wrote it. The main reason is lack of time, since I was busy with The Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland and other things; there is also a secondary reason; I needed a language with interfaces done right to explain what I had in mind, and I was reluctant to use SML as that language. I mean, SML is very nice and it does interfaces really well, but it is definitively not a language for the large public. Python has interfaces (starting from Python 2.6) which are acceptable but not really what I had in mind.

Now finally there is Go. Go is a new language which was released this week by Google; it was designed by old-timers of the caliber of Rob Pike and Ken Thompson, so I decided to take it very seriously and to have a look at it. It turns out that Go lacks inheritance and it has something similar to the kind of interfaces I had in mind for all this time. I do not need to write my paper about interfaces vs inheritance anymore: just look at Go documentation! I am still playing with Go at the moment. As every language it has a few good things and a few bad things. I particularly like two blog posts by Mark Chu-Carroll (this and that). Of course everybody is writing about Go nowadays and you can find tons of comments about the language on the net. There is also an extremely activew newsgroup. Here I just wanted to point out the design choices about interfaces and inheritance. Such ideas are not new and it is a shame that no popular language has followed such particular route in the design space. I hope Go will become popular; if not, I hope such ideas will finally enter in a popular language, we are already 10 or 20 years too late :-(

Steven Shaw

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 2:25 AM
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Interfaces in Go look very much like structural typing. Scala added this feature in version 2.6

Lennart Regebro

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 2:29 AM
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So, how about the interfaces in zope.interface?

I don't know anything about the interfaces in Go, but I know enough of the syntax that it's only a slightly less painful version of C as far as I'm concerned and won't touch it with a stick unless forced to. But I do like the idea of interfaces, and the way zope.component allows you to register components and adapters. I still like inheritance, as it enables you to fix the behavior of a component by just overriding one method, but the interface type programming does mean that the multiple inheritance I used to do in Zope2 got completely useless.

Michele Simionato

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 2:30 AM
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> Interfaces in Go look very much like structural typing.
> Scala added this feature in version 2.6

Yes, and I think Clojure is adding something like that too. Structural typing as an idea is decades old. The important bit is that Go is intended as a language for the masses, whereas I cannot say the same for Scala or Clojure or ML.

Michele Simionato

Posts: 222
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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 2:58 AM
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> So, how about the interfaces in zope.interface?

Zope interfaces are like everything else in Zope: too complex for my taste. Interfaces are a good thing even in dynamic languages, but they shine in static languages since you get compile-time checking. Static has some advantages; but I am not blind to its advantages.

Michele Simionato

Posts: 222
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Registered: Jun, 2008

Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 2:59 AM
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Hit the post button too soon. I wanted to write "Static typing has its disadvantages, but I am not blind to its advantages".

Nicola Larosa

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 2:52 PM
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> Python has interfaces (starting from Python 2.6) which
> are acceptable but not really what I had in mind.

Well, someone is bound (pun ;-) ) to ask, so here it goes: why not?

Bob Foster

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 8:50 PM
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Yes, very much alike. In Scala, it appears from the example that each function would need to define what methods it requires in the caller, whereas what you want is a definition like go's interfaces that allows a package to define what methods are required to use the entire package.

Personally, I'm delighted to see Go strike out in this direction. I've been wondering for awhile what it would be like if you eliminated classes and inheritance and let methods interoperate solely on the basis of the API they present. Now we have a test language that is close enough to production quality to be taken seriously. This should be interesting.

Michele Simionato

Posts: 222
Nickname: micheles
Registered: Jun, 2008

Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out Go!) Posted: Nov 15, 2009 8:52 PM
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> > Python has interfaces (starting from Python 2.6) which
> > are acceptable but not really what I had in mind.
> Well, someone is bound (pun ;-) ) to ask, so here it goes:
> why not?

Well, they feel (and they are) bolted on the language, as an afterthought. They are implemented using inheritance. They are purely advisory, not checked at compile time, nor at runtime.

Rupert Kittinger-Sereinig

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!) Posted: Nov 16, 2009 12:02 PM
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Oven operators in Hilbert Space? Is this the quantized version of Maxwell's Demon? :-)

Michele Simionato

Posts: 222
Nickname: micheles
Registered: Jun, 2008

Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!) Posted: Nov 16, 2009 12:27 PM
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> Oven operators in Hilbert Space? Is this the
> quantized version of Maxwell's Demon? :-)

;) misprint fixed!

Jaime Metcher

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!) Posted: Nov 16, 2009 3:00 PM
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Interesting progression from mathematics to OO - I have a background in maths, but I'd never really thought to correlate the two. Just as there are many flavours of OO, there are many ways to conceptualize mathematical principles, and I suspect which conceptual model you start out with in maths determines whether "standard" OO feels right.

To illustrate, in your very first paragraph, where you are emphasising the + operation, I'm reading with exactly the opposite emphasis! No theorem makes any sense without an initial statement of the axioms and lemmas (inheritance) and the domain of applicability (object class). We then can arrive at our commutative group which has not just an interface (+), but some details of the implementation. Like all abstract classes, more details are filled in by subclasses.

No doubt my metaphor is as porous as most metaphors are. My point is that your example is not really pointing towards either your conclusion or mine - it's our own predispositions that are doing that!

Dick Ford

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!) Posted: Nov 16, 2009 7:42 PM
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I agree. The whole Smalltalk OO model has never felt right to me either. The generic function, multiple dispatch model of CLOS seemed to be much more expressive than Java/Smalltalk.

It seems that many languages are trying to break out of the constraints of that model - Ruby (mixins), Scala (traits), Python (multiple inheritance)....even C# now has extension methods.

Too bad about Dylan. If Apple had been investing in it all these years, I'm sure it would be a really nice environment to program in these days.

indranil banerjee

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!) Posted: Nov 19, 2009 12:58 PM
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I'm a big fan of duck typing, but the lack of generics leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

From the documentation at

func Sort(data Interface)

func SortFloats(a []float)
SortFloats sorts an array of floats in increasing order.

func SortInts(a []int)
SortInts sorts an array of ints in increasing order.

func SortStrings(a []string)
SortStrings sorts an array of strings in increasing order.

James Watson

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Re: Interfaces vs Inheritance (or, watch out for Go!) Posted: Nov 19, 2009 1:52 PM
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> I'm a big fan of duck typing, but the lack of generics
> leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Forget generics. Go doesn't even have exceptions. Maybe that's good for systems programming but I have no interest in such a tool.

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