
Provides classes and interfaces that support localization across a network.


Interface Summary
LinkChangeEventGenerator Interface that enables a client to register interest in receiving progress updates of some activity.
LinkChangeListener The listener interface for receiving LinkChangeEvents from the LinkChangeEventGenerator object, which may be returned by a Link's activate method.

Class Summary
Description A localizable description.
Description.Cache Contains a String cached description and its Locale, the cache for a Description object.
Icons A set of localizable icons.
Icons.Cache Contains cached icons and their Locale, the cache for a Icons object.
Keywords A bundle of localizable keywords.
Keywords.Cache Contains a set of cached keywords Set and its Locale, the cache for a Keywords object.
LinkChangeEvent An event that indicates a revised progress of a Link activation expressed in terms of percent complete.
LinkIntegrity Entry holding information for optimizing referential integrity.
ModificationDate An info object that represents a last modified date.
Name A localizable name.
Name.Cache Contains a String cached name and its Locale, the cache for a Name object.
ResourceBundleLoader A class that takes care of loading resources from a codebase that is selected based on best-fit locale.
Roles A mapping of String service UI role interface names to Name objects, one of which is identified as the default role.
Text A chunk of localizable text, suitable for indexing by search engines.
Text.Cache Contains a String cached text and its Locale, the cache for a Text object.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces that support localization across a network. The full specification of this package is available at: