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This page contains an archived post to the Design Forum (formerly called the Flexible Java Forum) made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.


JVM implementation

Posted by Sergio Freire on November 25, 2000 at 10:41 AM

Hi to all!
Im working with some friends in the implementation of the JVM.
We have some essential doubts about the JVM/API/DEVICE DRIVERS.
I know that the JVM decodes the class files but my question is:
when a class makes a println for example, where is the real println code? i know that it belongs to the API but once again, is the println specific machine code inside the API or when the JVM finds a call to println changes it by a call to a device driver that actually prints the string ?
if the JVM acts like a translactor of API calls to device driver calls, does this mean that device drivers, which are in the bottom of of the JVM, should implement all API classes?


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