Article Discussion
Adobe's Rob Christensen on AIR
Summary: Rich-client technologies permeate not only browser-based applications, but the more traditional desktop client as well. In this interview with Artima, Rob Christensen, Adobe's product manager for AIR discusses the reasons for creating rich-client desktop applications, and how Adobe's AIR platform enables Web application developers to deploy their apps to users' desktops.
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    Posts: 135 / Nickname: fsommers / Registered: January 19, 2002 7:24 AM
    Adobe's Rob Christensen on AIR
    July 21, 2009 0:00 PM      
    In this interview with Artima, Rob Christensen, Adobe's proproduct manager for AIR, discusses the reasons for creating rich-client desktop applications, and how Adobe's AIR platform enables Web application developers to deploy their apps to users' desktops:

    What do you think of AIR?