> We have quite a few customers with applications that have
> the "5000 events per second" requirement, and a small
> number over the 100,000 mark. Some of these are "peak
> load" numbers (e.g. markets that see bursts of activity at
> open and close) and some of these are sustained (non-stop
> load of thousands of transactions / operations / events /
> etc. per second).
Thank you for the response. I haven't run into volume requirements that steep before, so it sometimes seems unreal. Still, I would like to know the percentage of data persisted applications requiring that throughput. I believe it's a small percentage but have no figures to back it up.
> The reasons why a database may or may not be suitable for
> a task isn't just raw speed. Sometimes it has to do with
> the isolation requirements, or the serial versus parallel
> nature of the workload, or the ability to partition the
> load, or the durability requirements, etc. A database, for
> example, may impose too high a cost for serial
> transactions against the same small set of data, due to
> the isolation+durability requirement. (Serial + isolated +
> disk durable transactions create a maximum throughput
> limiter tied directly to the transaction latency, and if
> the transactions are driven out-of-process, that latency
> becomes even more significant.)
> Peace,
> Cameron Purdy
http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/coherence/index.h> tml
Great point.