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December 2000



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Java help

Posted by Mike wankel on December 09, 2000 at 4:20 AM

Hi can you help me fix this game? I would like to be able to keep score, +10 for right guess and -5 for wrong guess and keep track of the top 5 scores. Also I would like to be able to restart the game without exiting first and recompiling it. Last I would like to add images to the buttons. I have to finish this before Sunday 12-10-200. Thank you for any help you can give.

//Title: Memory
//Copyright: Copyright (c) 1999
//Author: Mike Wankel
//Description: Game of Concentration
package Final;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Memory extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
//instance variables:
private Container c;
private JPanel gameGrid;
private JButton[] gameButton;
private int randomNumber1, randomNumber2, firstButton, secondButton;
private int tempValue;
private int arraySize = 51;
private int value[];
private boolean pickOne = true;

public Memory(){

super ("Memory Game"); // title

c = getContentPane(); //set up Content pane

gameGrid = new JPanel(); //set up Panel
gameGrid.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,5));
gameButton = new JButton[arraySize];

value = new int[arraySize];
value[1] = 1;
value[2] = 1;
value[3] = 2;
value[4] = 2;
value[5] = 3;
value[6] = 3;
value[7] = 4;
value[8] = 4;
value[9] = 5;
value[10] = 5;
value[11] = 6;
value[12] = 6;
value[13] = 7;
value[14] = 7;
value[15] = 8;
value[16] = 8;
value[17] = 9;
value[18] = 9;
value[19] = 10;
value[20] = 10;
value[21] = 11;
value[22] = 11;
value[23] = 12;
value[24] = 12;
value[25] = 13;
value[26] = 13;
value[27] = 14;
value[28] = 14;
value[29] = 15;
value[30] = 15;
value[31] = 16;
value[32] = 16;
value[33] = 17;
value[34] = 17;
value[35] = 18;
value[36] = 18;
value[37] = 19;
value[38] = 19;
value[39] = 20;
value[40] = 20;
value[41] = 21;
value[42] = 21;
value[43] = 22;
value[44] = 22;
value[45] = 23;
value[46] = 23;
value[47] = 24;
value[48] = 24;
value[49] = 25;
value[50] = 25;

//*************************************shuffle routine*************************************
for (int i = 1; i < 2000; i++) {
randomNumber1 = (1 + (int)(Math.random() * 50) ); //get random number
randomNumber2 = (1 + (int)(Math.random() * 50) ); //get second random number
if (randomNumber1 != randomNumber2) { //if not equal the first one
tempValue = value[randomNumber1]; // put #1 into temp
value[randomNumber1] = value[randomNumber2]; // put #2 into #1 space
value[randomNumber2] = tempValue; // put temp into #2 space

for(int i = 1; i < gameButton.length; i++) { //run through x times
gameButton[i] = new JButton(); //make each new button
gameButton[i].addActionListener(this); //add listener to each
gameButton[i].setBackground(Color.cyan); // put color in background
gameGrid.add(gameButton[i]); //add button to panel

c.add(gameGrid, BorderLayout.CENTER); //add panel to container

setSize(700, 500); // size screen
show(); // display to the screen

}//end constructor
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
if (pickOne == true){ // first pick
for(int i = 1; i < gameButton.length; i++) { // what button is it
if (gameButton[i] == e.getSource()) { //
gameButton[i].setText("" + value[i]); // display what on button
firstButton = i;
pickOne = false; // ready for second pick
}//end if

else if (pickOne == false) { // make second pick
for(int t = 1; t < gameButton.length; t++) {
if (gameButton[t] == e.getSource()) { // is it first button again
if (gameButton[firstButton] != e.getSource()) {
gameButton[t].setText("" + value[t]);
secondButton = t;
pickOne = true;

if (value[firstButton] == value[secondButton]) { // value match then vis fale
else {
gameButton[firstButton].setText(" "); // turn back over
gameButton[secondButton].setText(" "); // turn back over


}//end actionPerformed
public static void main(String args[]) {
Memory app = new Memory();
new WindowAdapter() {
public void WindowClosing ( WindowEvent e )
} //end main
}//end class Memory

  • button scooter June 12, 2001 at 9:52 PM (0)

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