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Legacy Java Answers Forum
January 2002



This page contains an archived post to the Java Answers Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.


Java GUI and UML component digram help?

Posted by Avin Sinanan on February 11, 2002 at 10:58 PM

Hello am looking for help with Java and UML component diagrams. this is my situation :

Am to draw the component diagrams in UML for a GUI I have made using Java Swing. The GUI has the following components :


2)Menus - the menu items are File, Simulate, Results,Tutorial,Hlp

3)Menu items - the menu items are save, open, Simulate now, view results, Start tutorial, start help


5)Tool bar contains various buttons


7)Whenever you ckick a button on the toolbar an Icon is added to the JCanvas. And this icon can be dragged to any point on the JCanvas using the mouse.

8)Line can be draw to connect the icons on the screen

9)If an icon has a line attched to it and iy is dragged the line stretches to suit.

10)More than one components can be conencted using lines.

Ok I hope this explantion is clear :)

Ok what I need to know is what components will be included in my compoenent diagrams and when will be associated with what. I looked at UML tutorials over the net and I cannot figure this out. They only give you examples not concering software...

Anyway thanks for reaidng.. any kind of help would be gretaly appreciated..thanks...


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