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July 2001



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data reciever thread gets interrupted by AWTThread

Posted by shekar on July 19, 2001 at 11:17 AM

my app starts a reciever thread which indefinitely recieves a data/message from a server [written in c]on UDP port. these messages are split into String array[10] and they are to be added as a new row of a JTable through a TableModel. But reciever thread shall never get interrupted at any cost by AWTThread that adds a row to a Table. I want the reciever thread to just recieve message and let the main GUI that houses the JTable to handle dispathing of event lets say setTableRow(String row[]). Am afraid if i implement a producer/consumer pair, it would lock the reciever Thread which is not acceptable as the data is coming at a speed of 10 to 15 records per second.
I think EventDelegation model would offer a better design approach. But i have no knowledge of how to implement delegation model for this scenario.
existing problem: while new rows are added reciever thread missing some of packets. i suspect the AWTThread is taking more time..interrupting recieverThread.

// Following code does not contain the working module.
// this is the look of MY App's design.
// the server sends data at apretty high speed about 10 to 15 records per second
// My reciever thread is a kind of selfish thread, doesnt sleep at all.
// is there anything wrong in design approach for dispatching the event on MAinGUI Frame
// I want reciever thread to just recieve the data and let the frame handle
// processing of events for displaying the rows

class DataReciever{
JFrame frame
// gets instantiated by mainGUI
public void dataReciver(String host,int port,JFrame frm)
frame = frm;
// basic connection to the reciever
// register the port on which reciever listens
//set up Datagram socket
// start the RecieverThread

// inner reciver Thread class
class reciever extendsThread
public void run()
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);

sock.receive(packet); // block

ByteArrayInputStream bstream =
new ByteArrayInputStream(packet, 1,


parseMessage(ByteArrayInputStream stream)
//message parsing..
String row = new String[9];
row = message;

public void disconnect(){}

class mainUI



addUserEventListener(new UserEventAdapter()
public void showEvent(UserEvent ue)
// method of Table class to set add rows to the TableModel
Table.setRows((String [])ue.getObject());

table = new Table();
// set the column title
JScrollPane tableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
// basic frame window
JFrame frame = new JFrame("");
// handle closing event
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
disconnect();//disconnect from the reciever

frame.getContentPane().add(tableScrollPane);//add table
// show frame
// call DataReciever to run reciever Thread with (server name, port number, frame)
public synchronized void addUserEventListener(UserEventListener l)
userEventListener = UserEventMulticaster.add(userEventListener, l);

public synchronized void removeUserEventListener(UserEventListener l) {
userEventListener = UserEventMulticaster.remove(userEventListener, l);

public void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
if(e instanceof UserEvent)
if (userEventListener != null)
if(e.getID() == UserEvent.SHOW_EVENT)
public void callDispatchEvent(String row[])
UserEvent ue = new UserEvent(this,UserEvent.SHOW_EVENT,row);


public class UserEvent extends AWTEvent {

public static final int SHOW_EVENT = RESERVED_ID_MAX+1;
public static final int USER_EVENT_MASK = 0x10000;

Object sObject[] = new Object[9];

public UserEvent(Object source,int id,Object s[]){
sObject =s;

public Object[] getObject(){
return sObject;

public String paramString() {
String typeStr;
switch(id) {
typeStr = "SHOW_EVENT";
//typeStr += (",Record = "+(String)sObject);
typeStr = "unknown type";
return typeStr;



public interface UserEventListener extends EventListener {
public void showEvent(UserEvent e);

public abstract class UserEventAdapter implements UserEventListener {
public void showEvent(UserEvent ue){}


public class UserEventMulticaster extends AWTEventMulticaster implements UserEventListener {

protected UserEventMulticaster(EventListener a, EventListener b) {

public void showEvent(UserEvent e) {

public static UserEventListener add(UserEventListener a, UserEventListener b) {
return (UserEventListener)addInternal(a, b);

public static UserEventListener remove(UserEventListener l, UserEventListener oldl) {
return (UserEventListener) removeInternal(l, oldl);


class Table

protected static JTable m_table;
protected static TableModel m_data;

public Table()
// initalize TableModel and JTable
public static void setColumns(String columns[])
// set up column header
public static void setRows(final String rows[])

int temp = m_data.getColumnCount();

for(k = 0;k {
model.getColumn(k).setCellRenderer(new TabIconRenderer());
m_table.tableChanged(new TableModelEvent(m_data));

public JTable getTable()

return m_table;


class TableModel extends DefaultTableModel
int rowCount;

public static Vector m_columns;

protected static Vector m_vector;

public static int m_columnsCount = ( m_columns==null) ? 0 :

m_columns = new Vector();// coulmns
m_vector = new Vector();// rows


m_columnsCount = ( m_columns==null) ? 0 : m_columns.size();


public void setColumn(){}//

public void setTableRows(String rows[])
m_vector.add(0,new RowObject(rows));

public Object getValueAt(col,row)
return value;//


public class TabIconRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer

// this render the icons and backGound color for table row depending on certain values in row

Any suggestion with code snippet wud be of greate help.
thanks in advance.


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