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Legacy Java Answers Forum
October 2001



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My high school assignment

Posted by Matt Gerrans on October 26, 2001 at 1:40 AM

> Can you help me my friend you seem like a very smart guy.
> I have to write a java program for high school that ask the user for a positive integer greater than 2 and less than 50. the program should then calculate the value of the nth value of the fibonacci sries where n is the input from the user. Do not use a recursive.
> I would be your friend for life if you can help
> Many thanks
> rachel.

Well, since you put it that way:

* Important Fibonacci calculating technology carefully crafted in October
* of 2001.
* Copyright 2001 by Matt Gerrans
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;

* This craplet embodies the incredibly exciting and powerful
* Fibonacci-number-calculating technology that the world has
* been waiting for.
public class LeonardoFibonacci extends JApplet
static final int START = 3;
static final int END = 49;

JTextField results = new JTextField(30);
JComboBox indexCombo = new JComboBox();
JLabel label = new JLabel( "Select the nth Fibonacci:" );

* This is the garden variety applet initializer, obviously.
* It just sets up the UI with the appropriate controls and
* gives them the relevant information to display on start up.
public void init()
for(int i = START; i <= END; i++)
indexCombo.addItem( (new Integer(i)).toString() );


indexCombo.addActionListener( new IndexComboListener() );

Container content = getContentPane();
content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

showResults( START );

* Simple little class for monitoring the changes to the index
* choice combo box.
class IndexComboListener implements ActionListener
* @param e The event, which we'll just assume was a change to
* selection.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
showResults( indexCombo.getSelectedIndex() + START );

* Shows the Fibonacci number for the selected index in a handsome text
* field.
* @param n The index of the Fibonacci that the user is interested in
* seeing.
void showResults( int n )
long fibo = getNthFibonacci( n );

results.setText( "The " + n + (n==1?"st":(n==2?"nd":(n==3?"rd":"th"))) +
" Fibonacci number " + " is " +
addCommas( (new Long(fibo)).toString() ) + "." );
// (Yes, I know 1 and 2 can't be chosen, but this will continue
// work nicely even if the program is changed to allow them)

* @param n The index position (starting from 1) of the Fibonacci number
* sought.
* @returns the nth Fibonacci number in the sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3...),
* where the 1st is 0, the 2nd is 1 and so on.
public static long getNthFibonacci( int n )
if( n < 1 || n > END )
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

long fibonacci = 1, prev = 0;

for( long i = 0; i < n; i++ )
fibonacci = prev + fibonacci;
prev = fibonacci;
return fibonacci;

* @param num A string of digits.
* @returns The string of digits passed in with commas inserted for
* readability.
public static String addCommas( String num )
boolean neg = num.substring(0,1).equals("-") ? true : false;

num = num.substring(1);

int len = num.length();
if( len > 3 )
int commaTime = 0;
for( int i = len; i > 0; i-- )
if( commaTime == 3 )
num = num.substring(0,i) + "," + num.substring(i);
commaTime = 0;

return neg ? "-" + num : num;

This is the A+ solution, if you need the C-/D+ solution, ask "ja(va)rule".

- mfg


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