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Legacy Java Answers Forum
September 2000



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wanna change the value in the map -- reposted

Posted by Mei-Tzu on September 27, 2000 at 10:41 PM

I have posted this message earlier, there was a mistake, and here is my problem:

(1)a class called � Customer�,
public class Customer {
�..//instance variables and other methods

public int getArrivalTime() {

//use total minutes to generate
// an arrival time between 9:00 to 17:00

arrivalTime = (int)(480*Math.random()) + 540; return arrivalTime;

public int getQueTime (){
//need to be calculated in another class -- TellerList
return queTime;

(2)another class called �CustomerList�
in this class I create a LinkedList customers

(3) the third class called �TellerList� with three tellers
public class TellerList {
private Map tellers;

public TellerList (){

//the key represent the teller's name,
// the value represent the teller's first available time
// the value will be modified later

Map tellers = new HashMap();
tellers.put("Teller1", new Integer(536));
tellers.put("Teller2", new Integer(537));
tellers.put("Teller3", new Integer(538));

public void runTeller() {
Set entries=tellers.entrySet();
Iterator it = entries.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
Object tellerName = entry.getKey();
Object availableTime = entry.getValue();
...... //need to replace the value here.

Problem 1:
Each teller is given an initial available time (the value, 536, 537, and 538). When a customer comes, it will find the first available teller(with the smallest value in the map). I also need to compare the customer's arrival time with the teller's available time so that I can calculate this customer's finish time, and this finish time will be this teller's next availabe time. Then I need to replace this teller's available time, ie, I need to replace the value associated with this teller. This will continue till all the customers are serviced. The problem is that When I use Map.Entry to get the value, it returns an Object,
I tried to do this way: int availableTime = entry.getValue(); but I got an error message. I need to compare the availableTime with the arrivalTime, but since I can't replace
(Object availableTime = entry.getValue();) with (int availableTime = entry.getValue();), I can't compare the arrival time with the available time and as a consequence, I can't calculate the finish time for the customer and the queTime. I am really helpless, am I doing a silly thing?

Problem 2:
How to use the setValue() method?

Problem 3:
Let's say I can get the queTime for each customer, how do I hold it? This queTime will be used in other class( to be printed out).

I really appreciate any opinions, just to get me out of here. Thank you!!


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