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Turn, and Face the Strange
J2EE, Enlightenment and the way forward
by Calum Shaw-Mackay
March 7, 2005
I really can't care about EJB3 and J2EE. In emphasis, not that I shouldn't care about J2EE, but that practically, even spiritually, I can't care about J2EE - apathy is a terrifying thing


So here I am, sat in the office, having read the latest weblogs from TSSS, and the horrifying, nay terrifying, fact is, I don't care about J2EE, aspects and annotations, because, well basically, it's all so distracting.

Distracting? Yes distracting (Oops this is turning into a narrative [ I say narrative because I don't want to say the dreaded rant word]). The point is because we concern ourselves unceasingly with which framework we should use, for this and that, that we lose sight of what we're really after - getting the job done. We as programmers are paid (whether that is in monetary terms, kudos, or otherwise - it's all the same to me), to get the job done - that's it. It's so easy to tell us why J2EE projects fail..... Instead, why don't you tell us how J2EE projects succeed. Ah, thought not.....

And this is the problem, we, as Java programmers, have so many choices, that we tend to focus so much on telling everyone else why their project has gone down the sh*tpan, because they zinged instead of zagged (even if it does the job), that we forget to a) actually give adequate reasons why we believe their project has gone down the sh*tpan and b) say what we did, in similar circumstances, to make it work in light of these issues.

We are as pessimistic as we are vocal. And pessimism leads to doubt. And doubt can lead to negativity. And negativity can ultimately lead to revolt. Rather than sit about saying that someone went wrong here.... why don't you start telling them why, and more importantly how, your solution is better. You must enlighten people, not berate them. Stop telling people they are wrong, and instead, try to tell them why you are right...... you may be surprised.

And now to why I can't care about J2EE - I've made my choice, and I'm going to back it, otherwise I'll never learn anything other than what other people have told me. And although listening to people informed on the subject at hand is a good thing, some things you just have to learn yourself, and if you're constantly changing direction, that will never happen.
I suggest you make your choice, if you haven't already, and more importantly, you respect that other people can and will make different decisions, and observations, to yours....

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About the Blogger

Calum Shaw-Mackay is an architect on Java and Jini systems, working in the UK. His interests lie in distributed computing, adaptability, and abstraction. Calum has been using Jini for longer than he would care to mention. His main area for taking the blame (some people would call it 'expertise') is systems integration and distributed frameworks, and is an advocate of using Jini's unique strengths to build adaptable enterprise systems. His opinions are his own. He's tried to get other people to take his opinions off him, but they just won't.

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