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Condition check or exception?



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Condition check or exception?

Posted by Mike Mannion on 09 Jul 1998, 12:51 AM

> Say, I have a class MyClass which function (doit1() or doit2())
> is more efficient?
>class MyClass {
> MyObject myObj;
> ...
> ...
> void doit1() {
> if(myObj == null) {
> myObj = new MyObject();
> }
> myObj.process();
> }
> void doit2() {
> try {
> myObj.process();
> }
> catch(NullPointerException e) {
> myObj = new MyObject();
> myObj.process();
> }
> }
> }

Absolutely no question: doIt1() is more efficient. There are many more bytecode and stack operations involved in exception handling than in simple condition checks.

On the whole, exceptions should *never* be used as a replacement for normal flow of control.
If it is reasonable that myObj is null (as typically happens in "first time" invocation situations) then use a conditional statement to test for it.

Some special circumstances may require us to break this rule: If we've been given an API which does not provide a means for checking that some condition holds, then it may only be possible to invoke a method in which a thrown an exception is the only indication of failure.
However, a good API will provide a means to query, as in:

class MyClient
void someMethod()
{ if (aSupplier.canDoIt())
{ aSupplier.doIt();
{ System.out.println("Can't do it");

class Supplier
boolean canDoIt() {...}

void doIt() {...}

An arguably inferior variation of this would be:

class MyClient
void someMethod()
{ try
{ // No means to query supplier, so must use try..catch
catch (CannotDoItException coe)
{ System.out.println("Can't do it");

class Supplier
void doIt()
{ if
throw new CannotDoItException();

Again, this all relates closely to the design paradigm "Design by Contract".
In DBC, one says that clients should always have a means to query supplier objects as to whether or not preconditions for a particular method are satisfied.
If conditions are not met, clients just shouldn't invoke the method. If they do, the supplier should have no bad feelings about throwing an exception back at the client. After all, this indicates misuse of a supplier's services (think "unchecked exception").
If conditions are met, clients can feel condifident that the supplier can carry out the task.



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