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why do you feel strongly that runtime info is bad?



This page contains an archived post to the Design Forum (formerly called the Flexible Java Forum) made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.


why do you feel strongly that runtime info is bad?

Posted by Sundar Narasimhan on 07 Feb 1999, 9:35 AM

Hi, Bill:

Perhaps you didn't quite intend this but I can think of several
examples where use of run-time information can add considerably to an application's flexibility. Indeed, I think the present
JavaBean design and tools that are coming out reflect the limitation of the view (and one that you seem to express) that
such use of run-time information should be limited to builder tools.

I think it's a way of gaining flexibility and not losing it,
if you design your application to be able to handle
any Java object that can be thrown at it :) Always having to know
the type of things that are coming at you is a woeful left-over
from strong-typing fanatics.

Here's an example to illustrate my point:
- if you were to design a form-based application would you rather
buy a forms-tool and start hacking each time you had to build
yet another form for yet another table/set of tables in the
database or would you write a generic class that can use runtime
information to customize the ui based on properties detected
at run-time?


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