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A Walk Through Cyberspace



This page contains an archived post to the Jini Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.


Comparing Images

Posted by Jose Chavez on June 02, 2001 at 7:08 PM

> I create two programs in java one is client and second server,I want to send image from client to server,I put the image in array by pixel grabber and try to send it and there to make create image to the array but it is not work


I'm not certain why you're trying to break down the image by
pixel. Can't you just transfer the entire image over to the
server? When I saw Shakher's reply, I began to wonder if you
were trying to compare two images. If that's the case, you may
want to find a more robust third-party solution such as eVe SDK
( The SDK has tools that may
do the job you're looking to do.

Best of luck.



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