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Computing Thoughts
A Weblog by Bruce Eckel
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19 pages [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
July 15, 2011,  29 comments
It appears we are stuck with JavaScript, at least in the near-to-mid term. Although the language is an abomination, some things are getting better. I discovered a couple of great lectures and a book that might change your perspective (a little) about the language.
June 12, 2011,  31 comments
The highest complement you can deliver in the Python world is to say that something is "Pythonic" -- that it feels and fits into the Python way of thinking. I never imagined that a static language could feel this way, but Scala does -- and possibly even better.
May 19, 2011,  1 comment
A new event takes place this July in the mountains of Colorado: we decided to call it "Programming Summer Camp" because we're emphasizing outdoor activities in the morning, and programming activities in the afternoon (when the thunderstorms usually happen).
April 17, 2011,  3 comments
I waited extra-long before making the move to Windows 7, because I had such a terrible time with Vista. But my brother -- who installs and maintains computers and whom I rely upon to know what's good -- said it was worth upgrading.
March 26, 2011,  8 comments
Despite being part of the microcomputer revolution from the beginning, the Kindle is the first piece of technology I've seen that feels alien to me. And I mean that in a good way.
March 1, 2011,  Submit comment
I've posted my summary of the Java Posse Roundup 2011 from last week. We're also having a workshop event in Crested Butte July 25-29 on Scala, Flex and Design.
December 22, 2010,  Submit comment
Registrations are now open for the upcoming Java Posse Roundup, which will be held in my beautiful mountain town of Crested Butte, Colorado during the height of ski season.
November 13, 2010,  8 comments
A follow-up to my previous piece on Facebook.
November 11, 2010,  3 comments
This is another article that originated on my Reinventing-Business blog but might also be interesting here.
October 20, 2010,  6 comments
I'm not sure what's worse here: the fact that some of my data is going to go away, or the fact that I found this out almost by accident. Someone is going to get burned by this.
October 6, 2010,  1 comment
Read Douglas Rushkoff's "Why I Left My Publisher in Order to Publish a Book" first.
August 16, 2010,  39 comments
It's been taking forever to open-source Java. Oracle's lawsuit with Google makes me wonder if it's ever going to happen.
June 15, 2010,  7 comments
Is there a service that allows a group of people to post recommended articles? Google reader allows only one person to do this.
May 8, 2010,  9 comments
This move has been several years in the making. My interests have been shifting during that time, away from software development and towards business. As several people have suggested, it makes sense to separate the two topics into different blogs.
April 24, 2010,  7 comments
The problem is this: People come to Crested Butte (it's mostly tourism-based) and they can't find out what stores and services are available, or what's going on.
19 pages [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
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