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John Developer
A Weblog by John D. Mitchell
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2 pages [ 1 2 ]
May 18, 2004,  Submit comment
Join the conversation about what, if anything, we've learned in the last 30 years in the computing industry.
May 18, 2004,  Submit comment
Maximize your ability to effectively and efficiently find information on the 'net from this tutorial.
February 9, 2004,  Submit comment
A case study of the trailblazing JSR 166 specification development process.
January 11, 2004,  16 comments
Are women systematically invisible in the tech industry?
December 24, 2003,  2 comments
Followship vs. Leadership in decision making.
December 24, 2003,  5 comments
Deconstructing a seductive language meme.
December 9, 2003,  Submit comment
Interesting interview with Richard Gabriel on the need for a more articulate approach to programming.
November 28, 2003,  Submit comment
The JSTL expert group acquiesced to "community" pressure to add SQL support in JSTL.
November 25, 2003,  2 comments
Is the incessant chatter about Microsoft and it's products by various Java "celebrities" just a sign of an inferiority complex or is it a manifestation of a completely rational fear?
July 8, 2003,  Submit comment
An roundtable discussion of Sun's new Java Research License (JRL).
July 8, 2003,  2 comments
The JavaOne 2003 developers conference shows that Java has weathered the initial ravages of growth and is ready to mature.
May 30, 2003,  11 comments
"Humility: be generous in what you receive; be meticulous in what you provide." --John D. Mitchell
2 pages [ 1 2 ]
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