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Heron-Centric: Ruminations of a Language Designer A Weblog by Christopher Diggins |
Christopher is the creator of the Heron programming language.
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September 1, 2005, 12 comments
Since Heron syntax is C++ based, I am experimenting to see what happens when you drop the requirement for the this keyword.
August 31, 2005, 26 comments
Test Driven Development (TDD) represents the state of the art of development processes, but what's next?
August 30, 2005, 12 comments
In languages like C++, functions return temporary stack allocated values which can be very inefficient. I am using a technique on Heron which I call transfer semantics to provide a work-around.
August 25, 2005, 4 comments
Here, I describe an interpreted subset of Heron called HeronScript and I talk a bit about my short and long term plans.
August 19, 2005, 53 comments
Heron is going to need a killer-app if it has any hope of surviving. I may have found one ... teaching programming.
August 18, 2005, 8 comments
Chuck Allison stated in his latest article the unfortunate fact: "C++ novices don't learn templates, let alone CRTP, in their first week". This represents one of the big problems with how C++ is taught to novices.
August 17, 2005, 5 comments
Automating the delegation of implementation of an interface to an expression.
August 16, 2005, 3 comments
A rather unpleasant name, but a very useful pattern.
August 15, 2005, 10 comments
C++ templates enable a powerful variant of the Adapter Pattern, which I call the Generic Adapter Pattern. I think it helps illustrate how OO design patterns go together well with generic programming techniques.
August 8, 2005, 2 comments
Inspired by Kevlin Henney's boost::any variant type I have written a high performance alternative called cdiggins::any.
August 6, 2005, 12 comments
Here is an interesting problem with making C++ style concepts a real type in a programming language.
August 5, 2005, 2 comments
This is a very simple statement, but I don't like what C++ does with it.
August 3, 2005, 13 comments
I am in the middle of implementing the Heron standard library, and I have found two techniques for implementing container concepts. One is more object-oriented and the other is more generic. Which should I use?
July 31, 2005, 27 comments
One of my pet peeves is when people reference Wikipedia as an authoritative source for computer science defintions.
July 28, 2005, 44 comments
I am conducting a survey to find out what it would take for a new programming language to impress people.
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