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89 pages [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
by Kevlin Henney, May 15, 2013,  1 comment
Uncertainty is normally seen as something you must either suppress or avoid. Of this many people appear, well, certain. That you should embrace it and use it to help determine schedule and design is not immediately obvious.
by Kevlin Henney, May 9, 2013,  1 comment
Generality and reusability sound like such good qualities to have in code that is easy to forget not only how hard they are to achieve, but also that without the more modest qualities of simplicity and utility how little value they may hold.
by Bruce Eckel, April 27, 2013,  13 comments
After a lot of trepidation because of bad press, I've rapidly come to prefer Windows 8 over Windows 7. Because an equivalent-horsepower Mac is 3 times the cost of a Windows 8 machine, I'm moving back to Windows.
by Bruce Eckel, April 11, 2013,  2 comments
After two years of cogitation on Scala, the print version of the book is ready! (The Kindle version might take another month or two...).
by Bruce Eckel, August 21, 2012,  Submit comment
For the last year and a half, Dianne Marsh and I have been working on an introductory Scala book.
by Dale Asberry, July 13, 2012,  Submit comment
Having problems with using NFS on Windows 7? Here's a very simple solution.
by Bruce Eckel, June 20, 2012,  Submit comment
The earlier workshop came about because of a last-minute opportunity, thus the short notice. Both follow the open style that I've been developing in recent years.
by David Goodger, April 10, 2012,  Submit comment
An account of my first Gathering for Gardner, a conference for recreational mathematicians, magicians, puzzlers, philosophers, and other curious types.
by Dale Asberry, March 20, 2012,  3 comments
In 2004, I posted "Why salary bonus and other incentives fail to meet their objectives". Here's a great RSA presentation by Dan Pink about WHY that's true.
by Kevlin Henney, March 15, 2012,  Submit comment
Abstraction is a question of less over more. But is it also a question of high over low? It turns out that the common way of describing abstractions in terms of high-level and low-level hides a number of assumptions, some of which suggest that we often look at abstraction the wrong way up (or down).
by Kevlin Henney, February 27, 2012,  6 comments
What can you learn from testing? When you look beyond the red and the green, the fail and the pass, you can learn a lot more about the nature of the code and the nature of the problem domain. And there is a lot to learn — software development is called knowledge work for a reason.
by Bruce Eckel, February 23, 2012,  Submit comment
If you do any HTML/XML processing, you've probably heard of this powerful and useful package. Download the latest beta and run it on your code to help debug it and make sure it does what you need!
by David Goodger, February 16, 2012,  1 comment
My old computer died and I have replaced it with a System 76 Gazelle Pro laptop running Ubuntu 11.10 “Oneiric Ocelot”. In this article I review the hardware & the OS. This is an unsolicited and unpaid review.
by Dale Asberry, January 23, 2012,  4 comments
I'm test-infected and that's why one of my first exciting Scala discoveries was ScalaTest
by Dale Asberry, January 23, 2012,  Submit comment
Life and complacency took me away from my first 'love'.
89 pages [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
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