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Heron-Centric: Ruminations of a Language Designer
A Weblog by Christopher Diggins
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13 pages [ 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ]
September 23, 2005,  15 comments
Various musings about how to deal with units of measure in the Heron graphics library.
September 20, 2005,  Submit comment
File this under 'tooting my own horn'.
September 18, 2005,  95 comments
In Python variables are never explicitly typed. I consider this a Very Bad Thing.
September 12, 2005,  6 comments
Currently Heron is not allowing implicit casting to function arguments. I am trying to decide whether this is a good thing.
September 11, 2005,  10 comments
For loop constructs in programming languages are usually syntactic sugar, but what should they map to?
September 10, 2005,  15 comments
When it comes down to it, C++ does only one thing wrong, it tries to be everyone's language.
September 9, 2005,  Submit comment
A new Heron release is now available.
September 9, 2005,  6 comments
Here is a pattern I call the Bus Pattern. It's like the Visitor Pattern, except it's not.
September 7, 2005,  Submit comment
The latest version of HeronFront has just been made and now compiles on GCC 3.4.1
September 6, 2005,  5 comments
Operator precedence in Heron is tricky, because any sequence of legal operator characters is a legal operator.
September 4, 2005,  81 comments
There is a widespread belief that garbage collection leads to automatic memory management, and that without a GC memory management is neccessarily complex. These are both false.
September 3, 2005,  5 comments
File this under: too many darn symbols.
September 3, 2005,  13 comments
My recent blog-post "Post-TDD" has generated some interesting and lively discussion. Here are some more of my thoughts and clarifications.
September 2, 2005,  Submit comment
The latest HeronFront preview release has the beginning of introspection/reflection support.
September 1, 2005,  11 comments
I have made a pre-release of HeronFront which semi-successfully translates to C++ the primitives module from the standard library.
13 pages [ 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ]
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